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First Sikh Lord’s Memorial Day Held in House of Commons, UK

:dateline:Lord Tarsem Singh was the first Sikh in the U.K. to be honoured as a Lord in 1999. On his memorial day on Monday 4th February 2013 many Lords , MPs and his close...

Statement Regarding Relocation of ‘Painting’ in Havelock Road Gurdwara

:dateline:The Executive Committee sincerely regrets that this incident has occurred as it shows the whole Sikh community in a bad light. Unfortunately a lot of misinformation has been put out regarding the...

‘Enough was Enough’, Says Pioneer of Respect to Sikh Turban Campaign

When injustice was committed by a small group of ignorant people within a seemingly archaic organization, as it happened with Sikhs in Poland by Board Guards, it was time to decide ‘enough...

The Condemned

An old man. A young history. http://youtu.be/3btLEtz0Lyg

Sikh Family/Children Found Dead in Suspected Murder-Suicide in Atlanta suburb

:dateline:A Sikh family found dead in an Atlanta suburb on Monday morning were the victims of an apparent murder-suicide, police say. The bodies of Shindiver Grover, 52, his wife Damanjit, 47, and their...

Sikhs Pray for Peace in Kashmir at Takhat Sri Hazoor Sahib

:dateline:The All Parties Sikh Coordination Committee (APSCC) held special prayers for peace in Kashmir at Gurdwara of Takhat Sachkhand Sri Hazoor Sahib in Nanded Maharashtra, the highest Sikhs religious seat in West-South...

Sikh Community Meets Over Exploitation of Vulnerable Women and Undercover Immigration

:dateline:The Sikh Community of South East London held a meeting at Gurdwara Singh Sabha London East Barking on 31st January 2013 to discuss the issue of sexual exploitation of women and Indian...

Sikh Community to Observe Six Month Anniversary of the Oak Creek Shooting

:dateline:February 5th marks six-month anniversary of the shooting at the Sikh Gurdwara in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. We appeal to all Gurdwaras across the nation to observe it on Sunday, February 3rd, by...

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