About Us

There are many news websites and portals serving the needs of the Sikh Sangat, but a bridge that brings reporters and news outlets to the sangat has been missing.� The Sikh community faces issues in all directions, and because of this, many important issues get swept aside for the next crises or headline.� This story has been seen repeated time after time and thus the birth of Sikh24.com.� Sikh24.com is a News Portal which does not operate under sole authority of proprietorship.� Rather, the intention is to provide a platform to all members of the Sikh community to come together as reporters to bring attention to incidents from their local community of their interest through a non-profit seva based organization.

With the formation of the Khalsa, Guru Gobind Singh Ji envisioned his Sikhs to take up roles of Sant-Sipahis. As Saints, we have to ensure the spiritual side of the Sikh religion flourishes and, as Soldiers, Sikhs have to stand for righteousness.� Both of these tasks remain unapproachable without there being a media service which is accessible by all Sikhs.� Without media, we cannot inspire or raise awareness of issues affecting the Sikh community globally.

Sikh24.com is the dawn of a much needed social news network. The editors and news staff whom all have had previous experience in current affairs media have come together to create a new and effective force which they hope will help serve the community.

Sikh24 invites you to map your voice through stories close to you. We want you, the readers, to become the reporters and become actively involved in the publishing of stories. Our plan over the next 12 months is to establish our primary offices in USA, UK and Asia–helping us to bring you the breaking stories internationally directly to you.� The editorial team welcomes your suggestions and stories in helping to shape Sikh24 into a powerful, panthik news outlet.

Email Contacts

Senior Editor/Political News (Jagtar Singh)
[email protected]

General Inquiries/World News (Jasmeet Kaur)
[email protected]

Punjab & Asia Bureau
[email protected]

UK & Europe Bureau
[email protected]