Category: Columns


1984 Documents – Lets Get Involved and Stop Sitting on our Hands

Many people over the last few weeks have been saying to me that I shouldn't be getting involved in politics. I've always said that if we don't get involved how are we...

Op/Ed: A Question Of Expression – Facebook remove gay kiss photo

Two gay men kissing? Hardly newsworthy in 2013. Yet the recent photo of Toronto rapper Kanwer Saini, AKA Sikh Knowledge,  locking lips with a male friend at a gay pride parade has...

Worlds Apart: Apartheid, Mandela & Gandhi

As a Sikh-African, I mourn and celebrate one of the greatest sons of Africa, Nelson Mandela. Although most of the time I consider myself a Canadian, I have always felt a sense of...

Op/Ed:102 Year Old Sikh Veteran Remembers

:dateline:Every year at this time Sikh veterans, many of them quite elderly gather at the military grave of Pvt. Buckam Singh a Sikh soldier that fought with Canadian troops nearly a century...

Part 3: The Sikhs and Gandhi (Final)

Part 1 Part 2 Continued There are a few situations where I question Gandhi’s approach to dealing with a problem. Take fasts, for example. In his lifetime, Gandhi fasted for many issues ranging from stopping...

Part 2: The Sikhs and Gandhi

Part 1 Continued Even before Gandhi came to India in 1915, the Sikhs had been peacefully protesting for the right to run their Gurdwaras (after the Sikh kingdom had been annexed, the Gurdwaras had...

The Letters I Never Sent: Attachment

Dear ________, Attachment is a scary, scary thing. Please try to understand me. I’ve been very careful about trusting people and getting attached. Attachment’s not always a bad thing though. Remember how it...

The Letters I Never Sent: You’re beautiful

Dear ________, You’re beautiful. No, I’m not talking about your face or your body. That’s all temporary. God knows how many different bodies we’ve worn over the ages. But it has taken that...

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