Category: Europe


Sikhs Proud of Captain Makand Singh’s MBE

:dateline:Captain Makand Singh of the Royal Logistic Corps, Territorial Army was bestowed with an MBE Award by HRH Queen Elizabeth II in the New Years Honours list for 2011. Last year Captain Singh...

SIKHS Win Turban Case Against France at the UN

"The UN Human Rights Committee has asked France to submit a report by March 15th on measures it is taking to remedy the violation of the religious freedom of 76 year old...

BREAKING: UN: France Turban Ban Violates Human Rights

:dateline:In 2004, a ban on turbans began to effect Sikh children in France--they couldn't attend public school wearing a turban. Shortly, the ban was more widespread and eventually overtook all facets of...

Sikhs Plan Free School in Leeds

:dateline:With backing from the New Schools Network, Sikhs plan to open a new free specialist primary school in the Chapeltown area. Project leaders are hoping to utilise a disused building near the...

Gurdwara Vice President Awarded New Year’s Honour

:dateline:Gravesend's newly built and opened Sikh Gurdwara is celebrating once again with the announcement that Vice President Bakhshish Singh Sodhi will be awarded a New Year’s Honour. The Management Committee of Gravesend Gurdwara ...

EU Sikh Summit Speech Goes Viral

Paris hosted the European Sikh Summit in November 2011 - the Summit was the first of its kind and was attended by guests from all over the globe. A powerful speech was...

Polish Judge Rules Against Sikh Claims of Border Guard Harassment

:dateline:In a surprise ruling the Polish District Court Judge Tyszka, acknowledged the Sikh claim that Border Guards have engaged in human right abuses when checking Sikhs passing through Polish airports, but ruled...

UK Sikh Organizations Take Strong Stand Against Culprit Pseudo-Baba

Following Eminent Organizations Such as Rara Sahib and Nihung Singh Jathebandis, UK Sikh Organizations Come out to Oppose Baba Mann Singh Pehowa Wala :dateline:The list of organizations opposed to the mis-parchar by Baba...

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