Navjot Sidhu Doesn’t Hold Any Right to Talk About Sikhism, claims Chandumajra

CHANDIGARH, Punjab—Strongly reacting to Navjot Sidhu’s move of approaching Sri Akal Takht Sahib on September 14 seeking excommunication of Badals from the Sikh community, the Akali parliamentarian S. Prem Singh Chandumajra has said that Sidhu doesn’t hold any right to speak on Sikhism as he is an apostate.

In a statement, Chandumajra said that how does Navjot Sidhu speak on Sikh issues as he himself disrespects Sikhism by trimming and dying his beard and performing rituals which are strictly banned in Sikhism. He termed Sidhu’s move as an attempt to air out his hatred against “practicing Sikhs” i.e. Badals.  

Chandumajra has suggested Navjot Sidhu to adopt Sikh values before starting talking about Sikhism.  

“He has no right to speak on Sikh issues when he proudly defies the dictate of the tenth Guru Gobind Singh on the sanctity of hair and indulges in rituals and sacrifices strictly forbidden in Sikhism,” said Chandumajra.


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