London Sikhs Hold Rally to Demand Independence Referendum

LONDON, UK—Thousands of Sikhs attended a rally in London’s Trafalgar Square on Sunday (Aug 12) to demand a referendum on independence from India.

Sikhs For Justice, the human rights advocacy group which organised the event, announced plans to hold a global referendum in 2020 to give the global Sikh community the chance to vote for the creation of an independent sovereign state of Khalistan.

Supporters from all over the world brandished banners reading “Free Punjab, End Indian occupation”, “Punjab Referendum 2020 for Khalistan” and “We will re-establish Punjab as an independent country”. They say they have the right to self-determination under the UN Charter and International Convention on Civil and Political Rights.

The rally went ahead despite attempts by the Indian government to block it. The UK Foreign Office was approached by the Indian High Commission, which made an official diplomatic complaint, but insisted that peaceful protest was a vital part of a democratic society and it should be allowed to go ahead.

Gurpatwant S. Pannun, legal advisor to Sikhs for Justice, said: “This is a peaceful, democratic campaign to give Sikhs the right to determine their own future. Since announcing our plans, we have been subjected to violent and illegal measures by the Indian state, including trumped-up charges of sedition and illegal detention, designed to silence us. We will not be silenced”.

Leading human rights lawyer Richard Rogers, Director of Global Diligence UK, told the rally the Sikh people have a strong argument for the right to self-determination under international law. He said they had collated “a great deal of credible evidence” that Sikhs had been persecuted by the Indian government and the only meaningful way to pursue independence was through a referendum.

Former Labour MP and Respect Party MP George Galloway also addressed the rally and Green Party leader Caroline Lucas sent a message of support.

Sikhs For Justice say their campaign is entirely peaceful and the London 2020 Declaration will give the Sikh people the right to vote on the independence issue. They say that Sikhs meet the five-part test for self-determination enshrined in the UN Charter: they have an identifiable territory; a history of self-governance in Punjab; a distinct religious culture; and both the desire and capacity for self-governance.


  1. Guru Granth Sahib Jio manio atey maango jo lorr Guru Pyareo, deven har sab Ek Hai Jio_/\_
    kal taran ve Guru Nanak suni pukar Gurmukh dei, so aj ve pukar SIRF GURU NANAK NU JIO_/\_
    bhul chuk muaf Vahiguroo kirpa_/\_


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