35 Gurdwaras Across the US East Coast Deliberate Upon Sarbat Khalsa Resolutions

Representatives from various East Coast Gurdwaras discussing Sarbat Khalsa 2016

FAIRFAX, Virginia—While the Sarbat Khalsa 2015 leadership in Punjab is engulfed in fighting various sedition charges imposed upon them, Sikhs across the West are looking to strategize and ensure Sarbat Khalsa 2016 is successful.

In an event held in Fairfax, Virginia (USA), on February 28, several Sikh organizations deliberated upon how to implement the resolutions passed in the Sarbat Khalsa 2015.  The meeting was attended by Sikh sangat from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and Maryland.

Sarbat Khalsa 2015 was carried out on November 10 in response to growing cases of Guru Granth Sahib’s sacrilege in Punjab.  A number of issues were discussed at the Sarbat Khalsa, including implementing measures to ensure the safety of Sri Guru Granth Sahib.  The convention also appointed three new Jathedar leaders of the community.  However, shortly after the incident, a number of Sikh leaders were arrested and charged under sedition.  They included Sikh representatives who had travelled to Punjab from abroad.  One of the resolutions passed at Sarbat Khalsa included the call for another gathering on Vaisakhi 2016 to deliberate upon important Sikh matters.

Topics discussed at the Fairfax event Sarbat Khalsa meeting included strategies for implementing the resolutions from Sarbat Khalsa 2015.   A unanimous agreement was reached to organize a special committee that will meet with legal experts in India to implement the resolutions of Sarbat Khalsa 2015.

“Sarbat Khalsa is the responsibility of the entire Sikh Nation.  Today, we had very serious discussions about Sarbat Khalsa.  Many issues were discussed, amongst them, the freedom of the Akal Takht Sahib and addressing growing hate crimes against the Sikhs, are important to address,” said Himmat Singh, one of the attendees of the meeting.

Dr. Amarjeet Singh of TV84 said that the presence of 35 gurdwaras at this event showed how Sikhs are standing strong in support of Sarbat Khalsa.  He mentioned that a rally will be organized on April 9 in Washington DC to highlight the Sikh identity in the US, while at the same time, raise awareness about the plight of Sikhs in Punjab.  He called upon all Sikhs to attend the event.


  1. We will not allow Punjab to slide back to the 1980-1990 era.
    The ” Bhindranwale -Indira”
    We don’t want to live in history but only in Future .

  2. 1) Sacrileges :What evidence?! Hinduvta forces have both motive and opportunity. Their puppet Badal has been accused of not wanting to arrest the culprits (he controls the police) and not co-operating with the inquiry so you tell me how the ‘evidence’ will be gathered let alone produced in courts which refuse even to hear confessions of mass murderers like Gurmeet Pinky. Badal has instead protected police officers who have murdered Sikhs in the street for protesting beadbi. Just yesterday a cleanshaven Indian man dressed up as a Nihang Sikh was caught at Anandpur Sahib and beaten for trying to gather information on Sikhs. You yourself show the complete disrespect you have for Guru Granth Sahib when you refer to him as just some holy book so desecration means nothing to you. We know full well what the RSS is up to and its Hinduvta puppet masters are trying to do.
    2) What the hell are you talking Sikhs which did not exist in olden times? A Sikh is a Sikh if he follows Gurmat of Sikhi, doesn’t matter what party he belongs to, where he is born or what job he does. You are merely trying to divvy up the Sikhs in a divide and conquer thinking so you can proclaim, ‘well not all the Sikhs are united on this issue or that issue so nothing needs to be done to address any grievance raised’. And how can the discredited (and you’re big on this, ‘unelected’) SGPC be the final arbiter with their track record of incompetence and corruption (handing out pardon to Ram Rahim because of political pressure from Badal, questioning the authority of Panj Pyare, scandal of taking bribes for rooms in hotels in Amritsar, sanctioning the film Nanak Shah Fakir then having to recant when Sikh Panth vehemently protested, etc, just in the past year alone) 3) Kejriwal would have been a sixteen year old boy in 19844 when Bhindranwale died! He is not a Sikh nor is he a Punjabi! Smokescreen issue you are trying to raise which fools no-one except you in your conspiracy self delusional world.
    4)Pinky and the Book : The truth can’t die with him because scum though he has CONFESSED to what he did and what others like his superiors such as Sumedh Saini (still protected by Badal) did which are corroborated by witnesses and by Human Rights Organisations reports. An Indian Judge does not want to hear his confession in open court because that Judge is part of the Indian jurisprudence which has been committing these extra judicial kidnappings, torture and murder of Sikhs in the first place. Turkeys do not vote for Christmas.
    5) Political prisoner Sikhs : Now your denial of all Indian responsibility and culpability boils down to the foreign Governments did it. No Indian police involved in extra judicial crimes, no Indian Judges involved in sentencing, no Indian Jails holding Sikhs on Indian sovereign territory. No after 67 years of independence and wars to sustain that sovereignty India is completely blameless because Her Sarkar is too stupid and easily manipulated by foreign Empire states. What use is Indian sovereignty then if it is subservient to and helpless against these existential malign foreign forces that you use as a catch-all to assign blame to for human rights violations against Sikhs?
    5) ‘For Provocation just don’t react’? : It is not a trap, it is a concerted attempt by your ignorant and reckless Hinduvta brothers to try and subsume Sikhi into the fold of Hinduism as they have the delusion we think of Guru Granth Sahib as just some ‘holy book’ rather than our precious, beloved living eternal Guru. They need to do this in order to carry out their fascist agenda against other religious minorities in India like the Muslims and Christians which are both labelled by RSS fanatics as being the ‘other’, non indigenous foreign religions. They cannot say this about Sikhi because it was birthed in the Punjab and the Sikhs historically always stand up for the religious freedoms of other people’s faiths (remember Guru Tegh Bahadur sacrificing his head for the Hindu faith of Kashmiri Pandits?). Sikhs are a massive boulder in the middle of the road to Hinduvta hegemony; they have been trying to chip away at our kaum but with their puppets Badal and SGPC they now think they have a lever under the boulder to roll it away to crash into pieces which can then be used to line their road to ruin like hard core rubble. Leave the Sikh religion and its Sikhs alone – only a suicidal idiot pulls the tail of a slumbering lion let alone tries to shear off its majestic mane.

  3. Multiple events like

    1) Sacriliges
    2) Indian Punjab Sarbatt Khalsa
    3) Sant Jarnail Singh Bhinderawale photo with kejriwal.
    4) Targeted shooting of Shiv Saniks in Punjab

    All of this point to a conspiracy to push Punjab into 1980-1990 violent era.
    There is a attempt to start a civil war on the imaginary Hindu- Sikh divide.
    We need to be wise and live together in traditional peace and harmony.

    • Our resident RSS troll speaks and talks nonsense as usual. 1) He thinks SIkhs should shut up and say nothing against sacrileges against Guru Granth Sahib. 2) He thinks Sikhs should not dispute the wrongdoings of the SGPC when they pardon heretics like Ram Rahim and should not congregate as a sangat (which they are obliged to do religiously) but just bow slavishly to dissipated men in beards and turbans who are behaving against SIkh interest and repudiate the spiritual authority of the Panj Pyare! 3) Kejriwal was born in Haryana in 1968 – he would have been 16 years old when Bhindranwale died! 4) NO mention of targeted kidnap, torture and murder of generations of Sikhs (as revealed by one of the murderers himself Gurmeet Pinky) in Punjab? What about police shooting dead of Sikhs protesting sacrilege of our Guru?! The only conspiracy is the Hinduvta attempt to try and undermine and infiltrate Sikh institutions and doctrine – that is the only danger to Hindu Sikh relations and it is being stirrred not just by bigoted idealogues like the RSS but also by Hinduvta politicians and stooges who will fill their pockets as they urge Indian brothers to set upon each other. Leave the Sikh religion alone and let us practice our faith without interference in our own homeland.

      • In case all of you come to power then you may take away the power from police to Kill its own citizens which was bestowed to them under the British Imperial laws.
        I agree that Killing is a SIN except in self defense.

      • ‘In case all of you come to power then you may take away the power from police to Kill its own citizens which was bestowed to them under the British Imperial laws.’ So you are admitting ONLY if Sikhs come to power will they be able to repeal illegal extra judicial abuses of power the Punjab police have exercised against them? We can’t depend on our fellow Hindu and Muslim Punjabi brothers to do this for the sake of every Punjabi’s benefit? What a damning indictment you make. But I don’t agree with you, I know good Hindu and Muslim Punjabis’ will stand up too – it just that they always historically look to their Sikh brothers to lift their heads first to be inspired by their courage and refusal to accept despotism.

      • Yes and those evil forces are solely Hinduvta as they seek to destroy those they perceive as the ‘other’ and have an ideological distaste for religious tolerance of others.

      • RSS Harinder says ‘Yeah and you are the only Saint born on this Earth with all the virtues’. He also exhorts Badal’s Punjab Government ‘to do whatever it wishes’ which chimes with the ‘Do what thou wilt’ theosophy of noted Satanist Aleister Crowley. So yeah compared to you Harinder and your fascist hypocritical brethren I am a saint born with all the virtues.

      • 1) No one will ever find out who did the Sacrileges. Protest you may but culprit you will never come to know .They are most likely the Empires men.
        2) Protest against wrong doing of SGPC needs to be highlighted in a designated forum but not as a Sarbatt Khalsa
        3) How come Kejriwal and Mr JS Bhinderwala are together ,why now and what is the purpose.
        4) Wrong doing pointed by MR Pinky should be documented in a book and in a You tube for the people to Know how the Imperial laws of the state follows has destroyed so many souls in Punjab.

        All these facts point to fact to set Punjab on boil once again by provocations and injustices.
        For Provocation just don’t react .They will just pulverize you .
        For denied injustices just mend it by Community CPR ( Chadi Kala, Phoenix , Resurrections).

      • 1) No one will ever find out who did the Sacrileges. Is that because the Hinduvta mafia and their stooges are so convinced they have covered their tracks or because they control the investigating authorities (the Punjab Police who are directed to arrest Sikh youth and torture false confessions from them or shoot Sikh protesters in cold blood on the street in broad daylight without any censure)? We know who the culprits are and why they did it so please don’t believe your notions of Sikhs just being Santo Banto fools or the assurances of stooges like the Badals ‘that they can handle it’.
        2) Protest against wrong doing of SGPC needs to be highlighted in a designated forum but not as a Sarbatt Khalsa?! At least you admit the SGPC has been complicit in wrong doing. As for ‘highlighted in designated forum but not Sarbat Khalsa? What other forum does the Sikh Sangat have and what do you mean ‘designated’? The Sikh kaum does not automatically bow deferentially to a priestly class my friend. The SGPC is not elected by the Sikh kaum and certainly does not hold any authority over us – the sangat of the Panth with its Panj Pyare have that authority and it has always been expressed through Sarbat Khalsa so that no Sikh accrues so much power that he can start lording it over us. Even Maharajah Ranjit Singh had to submit before the sarbat khalsa and was flogged publicly in Amritsar when he acted against Sikh doctrine. The reason why you don’t want the Sarbat Khalsa is plain for all to see. The Hinduvta mafia think they can control the Sikhs through the infiltration of the Akali Dal which in turn has corrupted the SGPC (the most obvious example of this is the pardoning of heretic Ram Rahim which was done at Badal’s behest in order to secure that phoney’s vote bank to shore up the Badal vote). Sikhs have recognised that Akali Dal and SGPC are no longer acting in interest of the Sikh kaum and that makes the situation uncontrollable because instead of figureheads like Badal and Makkar that can be seduced and nobbled you are dealing with a mass protest movement which does not have a head to decapitate even though they are desperately trying to arrest and imprison speakers and activists with the spurious catch-all of sedition. You are just making things worse by trying to clampdown on Sikh tradition and historical precedent.
        3) What has any photo (and that’s presuming it isn’t doctored just like the audio tracks against the JNU students recently) of a sixteen year old Kejriwal got to do with anything? Kejriwal is not a Sikh or even a Punjabi!
        4) You think self-confessed police mass murderers like Gurmeet PInky who has also implicated other still serving police officers such as Sumedh Saini should be ‘punished’ by just being allowed to make a documentary on Youtube and write a book?! So no arrest and imprisonment for him and those the police officers and politicians he is implicating in the extra judicial kidnapping, torture, rape and murder of Sikhs over a period of decades? But you do want to go after Sikh activists who cut down trees in order to make speeches and chase Sikhs across the world in Portugal (who have been granted asylum status because foreign governments have assessed that they are at risk of torture if returned to India)? Your hypocritical and prejudiced attitude towards justice is laid bare for all to see. Tell me will you demand the immediate release of all Sikh activists and political prisoners so they too can just go on youtube and write books? NO, because they are Sikhs – one law for them and another ‘get-out-of-jail-free-card law for mass murderers in uniform because their victims are only Sikhs so don’t count.
        5) ‘For Provocation just don’t react’? So we let the Hinduvta mafia carry on committing sacrilege of our Guruji, literally tearing strips off his body and throwing them into the streets outside our Gurdwaras. We do nothing? Don’t you know Sikhs have been ready and willing to die for their Gurus throughout Sikhs history and have suffered torture to death happily in order to defend their faith? These sacrileges have been specifically carried out in order to tests the waters with the Sikh kaum. Flying a kite to see what they are prepared to tolerate so the next step can be taken to emasculate the kaum and Gurmat. You got a big shock when no doubt the assurances you got from Badal that he had the Sikhs under his thumb proved completely wrong when Sikhs started to protest in the streets culminating in the Sarbat Khalsa (which you are now trying to denounce and prevent from happening again). Leave the Sikh religion alone for all our sakes.

      • 1) Sacrileges :– What evidence do you have that Hinduvata forces are responsible ?
        2) SGPC should develop a mechanism to listen to a variety of new Sikhs who did not exist in olden times
        1) Sikh People — “x”
        2) Akal Takth — –“y”
        3) Akali Dal —— ‘z”
        4) Panj Payaras —“b”
        5) NRI Sikhs ( British ,Americans , Canadian etc ——-c
        5) Small Sikh groups like : Dal Khalsa ,5 Pardhani ––“d”

        3) Photo op of Kejriwla and Mr Bhinderwla : — What is the purpose of linking Kejriwal photos to Mr JS Bhinderwale except to create fear among the people of Punjab.
        4) Pinky and the Book :–You cant even have the court to hear him . So let the truth not die out with him . Lot of what he will write in Book will be confirmed to be true by the Empire at some later point may be in a distant Galaxy .

        5) Political prisoner Sikhs :–Tell me will you demand the immediate release of all Sikh activists and political prisoners so they too can just go on youtube and write books? NO, because they are Sikhs – one law for them and another ‘get-out-of-jail-free-card law for mass murderers in uniform because their victims are only Sikhs so don’t count. :—

        The imprisonment has nothing to do with the Sikhs . The Indian state which is run on inherited British imperial laws will give primacy to the State over individuals.
        They must all write books and on you tube.

        5) ‘For Provocation just don’t react’? :– I am telling you it is a Trap to get you into another Genocide -4 , Op- Red Star ,Prostitution of more of our Girls and turning our boys into Refugees in distant lands.

        These are all Games of Throne the Empire plays all over the planet to maintain its hegemony.

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