Home Featured Official Resolutions From Sarbat Khalsa 2015


  1. did you see the hukamnama taken from guru granth sahib wonder what sache patishah says about his gursikhs meeting in sarbat khalsa? if guru sahib approves you are going against the panth against the guru be very careful, sir

  2. it is the closest thing if not a true sarbat khalsa the y acknowledged their limitations and we can work towards fixing those at the world sikh parliament and sarbat khalsa 2016 we have the heads up now

  3. This is not True Sarbat Khalsa
    Sikhs being Global in there distribution can no more organize True Sarbat Khalsa

    A) It can at best be called either a :-

    a) 60000/2 crore “Fraction Sarbat Khalsa”
    b) Chabba fraction Sarbat Khalsa
    c) 2015 Fraction Sarbat Khalsa
    d) Non SGPC Fraction Sarbat Khalsa
    e) Rebel Fraction Sarbat Khalsa
    f) Empire Sponsored Fraction Sarbat Khalsa
    g) Regime Change Fraction Sarbat Khalsa
    h) 1980-1990 era repeat Fraction Sarbat Khalsa
    i) Genocide -04 Precursor Fraction Sarbat Khalsa

    B) It will lead Punjab limping Back to 1980-1990 violent era with resurrection of :–
    i. KPS Gill -2
    ii. KS Brar -2
    iii. Op- Blue star -2
    iv. Genocide-4
    v. Sikh Refugees around the world
    vi. Sikh girls being forced into Prostitution
    vii. Drug addiction in Sikh boys
    viii. De industrialization of Punjab
    ix. Terrorist Label on Sikhs.

    So Just take it easy this is a Road to no where .

    So Look before you Leap

  4. I in my capacity as a baptised sikh bow my head to the true spirit of the ‘Sarbat Khalsa and to the ‘Gurmattas’ passed by it 10/11/15. I also appeal that these sarkary jathedars have also done a great sin of illegally removing Prof Darshan singh from the ‘Panth’ although he has presented himself at the ‘Akal Takhat’ but these unruly jathedares could not gather courage to face him. His return to the panth maya lso be considered.
    I also salute the “Panj Piyaras’ who dared to challenge the misrule of the makkars, badals and others in the best traditions of the Panth.


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