Category: Biographies


Op/Ed: Jaswant Singh Khalra Was Martyred For Exposing State-sponsored Genocide In India

Human rights activist became a victim of secret police death squadsI want to tell you about Jaswant Singh Khalra.Jaswant Singh lived in northwestern India in a region called the Punjab. He was...

The Woman Who Terrified the British Empire

On 1 August 1863, a frail and partially-blind queen who had spent much of her life raging against the British Empire, died in her bed on the top floor of a Kensington...

Akali Phoola Singh’s Difficult Decision

Akali Phoola Singh was born on January 14th 1761, in a village called Sarinh, which is in the present day district of Sangrur in Punjab. He is perhaps most famously known for...

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