On July 4 in 1955, Indian Prime Minister Jawahar Lal Nehru ordered an armed invasion into the holiest Sikh shrine, Sri Harmandir Sahib, to crush the �Punjabi Suba� movement. More than 200 Sikhs had attained martyrdom in the unprovoked firing and shelling by police.
Sikh24 has interviewed Sikh intellectual Prabhjot Singh Nawanshehr to know in detail the reasons behind this attack.
In this interview, Prabhjot Singh has revealed the offices of the press were also targeted after this attack so that they couldn�t report about this Saka.
He had said that all the Sikhs targeted in this attack were holding peaceful deliberations about the movement for Punjabi Suba when they got attacked by the police.
�The local administration ceased all the licensed weapons of SGPC before launching this attack,� he reveals.
It is pertinent to note here that the shells of bombs hurled at peacefully gathered Sikhs had been preserved in the central Sikh museum.