Rakesh Tikait, who emerged as a leading face of the ongoing farmers’ agitation after January 26, faced an attack in Tatarpur village of Rajasthan’s Alwar district. During the attack, Rakesh Tikait’s SUV Ford Endeavor’s rear glass got broken, and some Tikait’s supporters also got injured.
Sharing the video of this incident’s aftermath on Twitter, Rakesh Tikait has accused the ruling BJP of plotting this attack. “Attacked by the BJP goons at Tatarpur intersection of Alwar district of Rajasthan, Bansur Road. Death of democracy,” he tweeted.
As per sources, Rakesh Tikait was leading towards Bansur after addressing a rally in Harsauli when a mob led by a former student leader Kuldeep Yadav and backed by BJP, started showing black flags to the caravan of Rakesh Tikait.
The mob stopped the Rakesh Tikait’s cavalcade in Tatarpur village cross-road, and ink was sprayed on Rakesh Tikait.
During this, the supporters of Rakesh Tikait came out to counter the mobsters, after which the mobsters started pelting stones on Rakesh Tikait’s cavalcade.
Meanwhile, it is learned that the Alwar police have arrested four mobsters, including Kuldeep Yadav, while the search is on to arrest other ones.
In reaction to this attack, farmers blocked the Delhi-Uttar Pradesh Ghazipur border in protest of this attack on Tikait’s convoy, but the police were able to restore traffic quickly by intervening.