Online petition against Kamala Harris who backed a discriminatory policy about beard in 2011

WASHINGTON, USA—The Sikhs living in the United States of America have launched an online petition asking Indian-American Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris to apologize to the community for backing a discriminatory policy in 2011 which prohibited state prison guards from keeping beards for religious reasons.

Taking on Kamala Harris, Rajdeep Singh Jolly said that Harris had trampled on the civil rights of American Sikhs while serving as an attorney general of California. He further said that Harris lectures her opponents on civil rights, but she herself had denied religious freedom to Sikh-Americans even during Obama’s pro-Sikh tenure.

“While the Obama/Biden administration was taking historic steps to allow observant Sikhs to serve in the US military, Harris was fighting hard to deny religious freedom and equal opportunity to Sikh Americans,” Jolly said.


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