USA: Sikh Man Stabbed to Death in New Jersey

NEW YORK, USA—In a third incident of hate crime against Sikhs living in America during the last few days, a Sikh man Tarlok Singh was reportedly stabbed to death in his store in New Jersey on August 16 at around 9 am. Tarlok Singh, who was running the store for the last five years, is survived by his wife and children living in India.

Sikh24 has learnt that he was firstly discovered with an apparent stab wound in the chest by a cousin of him in his store at the Park Deli near North Park Street and Burchard Avenue in East Orange of New Jersey (USA). The local authorities are considering it as a homicide, but have not categorized it as a hate crime yet.

Sources have informed that Tarlok Singh was very kind by nature and used to help the needy people as much as he could.

It is pertinent to note here that this is the third incident of hate crime against Sikhs in the United States of America. Few days back, a septuagenarian Sikh man Sahib Singh was brutally thrashed by two young men, one of whom turned out to be the estranged son of the local police chief.

Also in July, a Sikh man named Surjit Malhi was attacked while putting up campaign posters. He was brutally thrashed by the attackers after throwing sand in his eyes and was asked to go back to India.



  1. Sikhs world over need to carry pepper spray Jio_/\_😢defend yourselves Jio, think of Guru Gobind Singh Jio in your minds svaas svaas, especially when in danger, and ardas karin bahn dei Bithla Jio_/\_ rakhlei apney Sikh Kaum Nu jithey rakei Vahiguroo Jio_/\_


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