Jagtar Singh Johal Social Media Event February 26, 2018

—The detention of 31-year-old Scottish human rights activist Jagtar Singh Johal continues, and will reach 115 days on Monday February 26, 2018.

Having been abducted by the Indian authorities on November 4, 2017, Jagtar has yet to be charged, even though he will be presented at his 30th court appearance on February 24, 2018. In addition to not being charged, no incriminating evidence or recovery has been presented against him to till date.

On February 14, 2018, an Indian judge granted the police an extension of 90 days police remand. Although the Indian authorities have had more than 100 days to present any evidence against Jagtar Singh, nothing has been produced and Indian courts continue to grant extended remand.

A social media event has been organized to raise awareness for Jagtar Singh Johal’s continued detention and 90-days extended police remand.

Everyone is encouraged to tweet on Twitter and post on Instagram and Facebook using the hashtag #FreeJaggiNow on Monday February 26, 2018 at the following times:

U.K. 8pm

U.S. 3pm (EST)

Canada 3pm (EST)

Australia 7am (Sydney; next day)

Follow and share the #FreeJaggiNow Campaign on social media:

Twitter: @FreeJaggiNow

Instagram: freejagginow

Facebook: Free Jaggi Now


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