Home WORLD India Sajjan Kumar Receives Bail From Delhi Court in 1984 Sikh Genocide Case

Sajjan Kumar Receives Bail From Delhi Court in 1984 Sikh Genocide Case

Sajjan Kumar Receives Bail From Delhi Court in 1984 Sikh Genocide Case

NEW DELHI, India—The District Court of Dwarka (Delhi) today granted anticipatory bail to key accused of 1984 Sikh genocide Sajjan Kumar in a case pertaining to murder of two Sikhs namely Sohan Singh and Avtar Singh.

The Additional Session Judge Vikash Dhull allowed the anticipatory bail plea of Sajjan Kumar, who is accused of instigating a mob to kill two Sikhs, Sohan Singh and son Avtar Singh, in Vikaspuri (New Delhi) on  November 1, 1984. The Court granted bail to Sajjan Kumar on the condition of furnishing personal bond and surety bond of Rs. 1 lakh each.

Speaking to Sikh24, Advocate Harvinder Singh Phoolka said that Sajjan was summoned by the SIT but he just confirmed his name and nothing else. Thereafter, the SIT sought his custodial interrogation following which Sajjan filed a plea for interim bail.



    • You are indulging in semantics – you say Sajjan Kumar is a regime man and not RSS yet you as a RSS man are happy that he receives bail even though you suspect he is guilty of crimes against humanity and want him to be blessed. There is no difference in his evil and yours – mud is mud even if one handful of mud is dug up thirty two years ago and another today, both are equally filthy and made of the same stuff.

  1. What you are calling ‘trans national politics’ are internationally recognised codes of civilised behaviour which have evolved over time and after bitter experience (such the second world war) which prevent individual countries from indulging in persecuting minorities. They set up a standard of civil liberties and human rights which are to the benefit of all human beings and act directly against casteism, fundamentalism, racism and nationalism. Your problem with what you call ‘trans national politics’ is that wish to protect things that you believe such as institutionalised fundamentalism, casteism, racism and nationalism and that is why you don’t want oversight from NGOs like Amnesty International which will put a spotlight on your extra judicial excesses such as arbitrary arrest, disappearances and torture which you fundamentally believe a State has the right to indulge in in the nebulous name of security of the state. Countries that agree with your thinking that they should be allowed to do whatever they wish within their own borders to their own citizens are places like Russia, China, Cuba, North Korea – repressive authoritarian states that do not want notions of liberty entering the consciousness of their populations because they will not be able to micro-manage them. The shining example of what happens when the international community allows a country to do whatever it wishes is seen in Nazi Germany where the Nazis came to power in a convoluted elected way (using thug politics on the street to whip up anti-Jewish hysteria) and began changing the law to make it lawful and respectable to first discriminate against and then fatally persecute their Jewish population. Maybe you do not want to learn that lesson but the SIkhs have. The RSS is an organisation directly modelled on the Nazi brown shirts – it is group of thugs given political patronage and protection by its politcial wing the BJP. Its Hinduvta ideology is intolerant of other faiths in India because it regards itself as being the pure faith of Bharat, an elder brother to all other religions to whom those other religions must show paternalistic respect and deference. The RSS are not brothers to the SIkh Khalsa but just the modern day equivalent Hinudvta taliban of the equally fanatical and intolerant Islamist Moghuls we defeated.

  2. If you are a fascist you will be in trouble as Nazis eg showed,
    If you are a fanatic then also you are in trouble as ISIS has shown,
    Learn the art of
    1) Peaceful co existence and
    2) Live and let Live.

  3. Yes the Nazis were punished .
    As they were killing innocent people of all groups.
    No one was killing the Nazis to begin with.
    In 1984 the killing of innocents people was done on both side of divide initially by Bhindewale and then later by his victims.
    Moral of story :–
    Don’t kill innocent people if you don’t want our innocent people to be killed.
    Learn the philosophy of live and let live.
    World always punishes the fascists and fanatics.

    • You are looking at the wrong causality, Bhindranwale died in 1984 but the injustices against Sikhs started decades before that when promises and assurances given to Sikhs to join India (and reject the setting up of their own Sikh state) by Nehru and the Congress Party were reneged upon. The sharing of state capital (Chandigarh) between two states, the redistribution of river water(the Punjab means 5 rivers and water is essential to Punjab’s history and agricultural base), the denial of a Sikh marriage act recognising the Anand Karaj (which effectively meant that Sikhs were being counted as Hindus), the rejection of Punjabi as the language of Punjab, the cleaving off of Punjab’s land to form another state territory with Haryana, etc – the grievances are well documented in the Anandpur Sahib Resolutions formulated in the sixties and seventies. The Sikhs had been peacefully demanding their rights from Independence in 1947 as it became clearer that Nehru having wooed / bamboozled Master Tara ISngh and SIkh leadership into siding with India (instead of Pakistan or re-establishing their own sovereign Sikh state such as the Khalsa Raj of Maharajah Ranjit Singh which encompassed territory from Kashmir, Punjab (north of the Sutlej) and lands up to the Khyber) had no intention of honouring promises made. This lack of faith from Nehru led to the Anandpur Sahib Resolutions to address Sikh grievances over two decades before Bhindranwale even came on the scene although you are fail to mention that the murders of innocent SIkhs by the state sponsored and protected Nirankaris led to Sikh backlash. The fact that the State and PUnjab Government made Punjab into a police state is not excusable by saying that the human rights and civil rights abuses that then then subsequently ensued against the SIkhs was inevitable (as whenever governments create police states such abuses occur) as those politicians, those police officers, those army personnel, those judges et al were all fellow Indian citizens and should have treated Sikhs as their brothers. The sadistic and illegal treatment the SIkhs were subjected to (the legacy of which continues to this very day) is not excusable and those who engaged in it should be brought to book not because of the Geneva conventions (which apply to war combatants) but because of human rights violations and crimes against humanity. As reported in Young India, 19th March 1931, Mahatma Gandhi addressed the Sikhs in Gurdwara Sis Ganj Sahib Delhi and said “I ask you to accept my word and the resolution of the Congress that it will not betray a single individual Sikh much less the Sikh community. If it ever thought of doing so, it would only hasten its own doom… I pray you to unbossom yourself of all doubt and apprehensions. Let God be witness to the bond that binds me and the Congress to you. I venture to suggest that the non-violence creed of the Congress is the surest guarantee of good faith and our Sikh friends have no reason to fear that it would betray them. For the moment it did so the Congress would not only thereby seals its own doom but that of the country also. Moreover the Sikhs are a brave people. They know how to safeguard their rights by the exercise of arms, if it ever come to that”. That same Gurdwara was attacked by Congress led mobs in 1984. At a press conference in 1946 as reported in the Statemans newspaper July 7th 1946, Nehru said “the brave SIkhs of Punjab are entitled to special consideration, I see nothing wrong in an area set up in the north wherein the SIkhs can also experience the glow of freedom”. Then in 9th December 1946 he presented a resolution in the session of constituent assembly “Adequate safeguards would be provided for minorities in India. It was a declaration, a pledge, and an undertaking before the world’ a contract with millions of Indians and therefore in the nature of a oath which we must keep”. He then passed a resolution in the Congress committee on 5th January 1947 “The rights of the Sikhs in Punjab should not be jeopardized”. In July 1947 they passed resolution “In the divided Indian PUnjab special constitutional measures are imperative to meet the just aspirations and rights of the Sikhs”. That is the moral of the story – keep your word.

      • I have told you that India is not run by Nehru or Gandhi but by an Empire dictated constitution.
        Ranjit Singh kingdom fell not because of India but because of the Empire.
        As for 1984 events I have told you we all are still slaves of Empire not withstanding the 15 Aug 1947 freedom.
        You know how slaves are dealt by Empires when Slaves rebel.
        So just be law abiding citizens of any Nation and don’t Rebel.
        The BIG BROTHER is watching all its slaves.

      • I have told you that no one on this website believes in your contortions to twist the truth. There is no Empire. Ranjit Singh’s Khalsa continued after his death and he was succeeded by three of his sons as Maharajah until the last Duleep SIngh was betrayed by traitors the Dogra Kashmiris Gulab and Dhian. Only your people are slaves, they never rebelled against their oppresors throughout the history of the subcontinent and watched impotently as their honour and daughters were stolen away by the Moghul waiting for the Sikh to rescue both from the back of the Afghan horse with our rebellion. Same thing under the Britishers, you did not have sufficient backbone to rid yourself of Britishers yoke because you wanted to be slaves and had to wait for the Sikhs to stand up for you again. UNder the Moghuls and the Britishers your people obeyed unjust laws of their oppressors and did nothing until the Sikhs rebelled to give you liberty. As a slave you fear BIG BROTHER watching you but BIG BROTHER fears Waheguru because he knows even a fly can bring an elephant crashing down.

    • He has blood on his hands because he was actively involved in instigating mob violence against Sikhs which resulted in murder, arson, looting and rape. As well his personal guilt he also has collective guilt in the same way as Adolf Eichmann who so efficiently managed the railways in Nazi Germany to transport Jews quickly to the death camps even though his boss Adolf came up with the idea of genocide.

      • ‘I was only obeying orders’ has been rejected as a defence by the civilised world since the Nuremburg trials when your mentors the Nazis tried to use it to excuse their systematic murder of defenceless men, women and children, the elderly, the disabled. Only you would still want to cling to such immoral thinking to justify murder and rape against minorities.

  4. He is not an RSS guy. He is the 1984 regime guy who carried out duty assigned to him by the Regime.
    That is why he needs forgiveness for he was only a foot soldiers obeying orders .

    • ‘He needs forgiveness for he was only a foot soldiers obeying orders’. This defence was given by Nazi war criminals and SS officers who butchered, raped and tortured unarmed civilians and sent children into the gas chambers. It was soundly rejected by the civilised world at the Nuremburg Trials as being illegal, immoral, inhumane and unacceptable but shows the depth of the fascist depravity that festers in your RSS mindset but it is good you reveal yourself for what you are, a sympathiser with murderers and rapists – judge a man by the company he keeps.

  5. India is great nation for RSS and its supporters – ask the Minorities than you get your answer. Face which Law (Indian Law) the most corrupt only acts to jail the victims and murdered run free! You may have faith in the Indian System – we don’t because we are Sikhs. Do you not for one minute think that this evil disgusting creature should be punished regardless for committing crimes – you cannot can you? If have a human heart than you would but you are RSS Chamcha through and through.

    • The ‘law’ has done nothing to him for over 32 YEARS and has again let him go free again unmolested. The law protects him so he has no fear of delivering justice. Sikhs don’t ‘tell’ God to do anything let alone ‘tell’ the Almighty to forgive murderers and rapists. This man and the others you wish to give blessings to are criminals and need punishment not forgiveness which they do not even ask for because they are proud of their crimes against humanity. Sikhs are the side of Good, you stay on the side of evil with your compatriots like Sajjan Kumar.

  6. Bail is legal and his right . We need to understand the rights of every accused .
    He is Genocider I know it and may even get away with his genocide like the rest of the people.
    We still need to build a law abiding utopian society and love our Nations in spite of no justice in the Genocide -3.

    • Right so let us get this straight you want to cling to law even though you know it is not going to deliver justice? That is the difference between you and the Sikhs – we gave up ritualistic nonsensical obeisance centuries ago. This man leaves the court unbowed on bail whereas bhai Harminder Singh Mintu leasves the court hunched over having received beating from police. And let us not forget that you are not only defending this genocider’s legal rights but also want God to bless him for murdering of Sikhs.

  7. People who commit state terrorism like the many evil congress politicians always get away with mass murder, the lives of Sikhs being killed in India don’t matter, how can any sikh ever be proud to be “Indian” this is disgusting


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