“Among other teachings, Guru Nanak Dev Ji brought the fundamental beliefs of equality and vand chakko – sharing with others and helping those in need – to Sikhism,” said Horwath. “These values are also closely shared with New Democrats, and are the foundation of our friendship and partnership with the Sikh community.”
Deputy Leader Jagmeet Singh was the first turbaned Sikh to serve in the Ontario Legislature and is the first Sikh to serve as Deputy Leader of a major political party in Canada. He was thrilled to accompany Horwath and talk to the Sikh community about the NDP at the Gurdwara visits Monday evening.
Ontario’s New Democrats have done important work with the Sikh community in recent years. The ONDP was proud to stand with Jagmeet Singh when he officially made April Sikh Heritage Month in Ontario – so that all Ontarian’s could share in the Sikh values of Seva, the fundamentals of equality and the importance of supporting and helping our neighbours and our community. The party continues to build relationships with the Sikh community.
guru nanak is our saviour!