CHANDIGARH—Legal Counsel of Akal Takht Jathedar Jagtar Singh Hawara has written an application to the Inspector General of Police (Chandigarh) to avail one day parole to his client to attend the event ‘Sarbat Khalsa-2016’ scheduled to be held at Talwandi Sabo on November 10. Jathedar Jagtar Singh Hawara is currently being confined in Tihar Jail at Delhi and was appointed Jathedar of Sri Akal Takht Sahib by the ‘Sarbat Khalsa-2015’ held at village Chabba on November 10, 2015.
Legal Counsel Advocate Simranjit Singh has written in the letter that prominent Sikh issues were to be deliberated by the worldwide Sikh masses during the ‘Sarbat Khalsa-2016’ event. He has further written that as Bhai Hawara has been given the temporal Sikh post, his presence is utterly necessary. He has further added that Bhai Hawara was willing to attend the event as per the wishes of Sikh community and organizers of ‘Sarbat Khalsa-2016’.
It is pertinent to note here that as per the directions of Jathedar Jagtar Singh Hawara, the ‘Sarbat Khalsa-2015’ appointed Jathedars and ‘Punj Piares’ had united together to jointly lead the ‘Sarbat Khalsa-2016’ scheduled to be held at Talwandi Sabo on November 10 under the patronage of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The organizers of ‘Sarbat Khalsa-2016’ are working hard to successfully conclude the event.
Badal and Punjab Police are busy rounding up all other Jathedars – are they really going to listen to this request and release Bhai Ji on the day? The corrupt system is busy ensuring the Sarbat Khalsa does not take place at all.
Day will come when the tables turn and these who are trying to oppress us will be behind bars and raj karega khalsa…..
VahigurooJiokirpabaksheeshJio_/\_eh Soormey Khalsa Pathic Punjab authority leader howey Jio_/\_