BREAKING: Jathedar Hawara Will Not Be Permitted to Attend Court Cases in Person

hawaraNEW DELHI, India—According to the latest information shared with Sikh24, the court has imposed a ban on Jathedar Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara from attending his court appearances in person.  Bhai Hawara will now be required to attend all court hearings via video conferencing.

Lately, the Tihar Jail authorities have been taking stricter measures against Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara.  Jail authorities have only allowed select persons to meet with him.  Recently, even Bhai Hawara’s family members have had issues trying to see him in jail.

It appears as if the administration is attempting to limit tha mount of messages that reach the sangat at large, after Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara was announced as the Jathedar of Sri Akal Takht Sahib during Sarbat Khalsa 2015. 



  1. Is this democracy ,panth should take some steps to seek bhai hawara’s health n for this purpose they should take helpfrom international human rights org

  2. How unjust and low can the Indian Authorities sink….. They have a rule for sikhs an Hindus guess who get the brunt?
    Long live Jagtar Singh Hawara!!! Justice will prevail in Waheguru’s house.

  3. He is NOT even allowed to appear in court in person to defend himself?! He is NOT allowed to face his accusers, have them look him in the eye when they testify? He is to appear on video conferencing where who knows where he is and what police officers are doing to him to force him to say what they want. Presumed innocent until proven guilty unless you are a Sikh in India when the opposite applies. Perhaps the Portuguese authorities should take a good hard look at Indian so-called Jurisprudence. And RSS Harinder I have noted your Hinduvta ‘omerta’ on these matters (Hawara’s ill treatment to persecution of Pamma, Sikh TV Channels and omission of Sikh regiments from parade et al – the irony is under Indian ‘Justice’ you are always quick to defend that guilty silence of yours would be enough for you to be arrested and convicted and don’t think they would let you then sit in a cell and write a book about it.

    • He or his near dear friend must write a Book .
      States with its law will not let any one free if a murder has been done .
      You got to work with the Law makers of India and Empire for any changes in law you may desire.

      • ‘Law will not let any one free if a murder has been done’ – you say that with a straight face knowing that Kamal Nath, Jagdish Tytler, Sajjan Kumar et al are happily walking the streets with black cat police protection. The Law makers of India and indeed the Law enforcers of India that you have such reverence for are the same people who refuse to hear the evidence of Gurmeet Pinky when he confesses to having carried out extra judicial murders against civilians and who prolong the agony of the victims of 1984. They don’t change the law (or even enforce it) without being forced to – look at the change in police and judicial and political attitudes to rape against women in the last three years created by mass protests and civil disobedience on the streets.

      • The problems is with the Law.

        India State Laws are derived from the British Laws .
        These Laws are actually designed for an Empire state.
        The Indian state is the product of British Empire and so it follows its laws.

        In the Empire laws it is possible for the Empire to carry out mass killing with the Laws protecting the state like the “Jallia Wala Bagh Massacre . How ever if any massacre is avenged the Empire Law look upon it harshly like Bhagat Singh and Udham Singh Hanging.

        So for comparison just see how 1919 repeats in 1984.

        1) 13 April 1919 :–Jallianwala Bagh massacre = 31 Oct 1984 Sikh massacre
        2) 13 April 1919 Jallianwala Bagh massacre architect Dywer gets away Scot free – so does in 1984 architects like Bhagat , Sajjan and Tytler etc etc go away scot free.
        3) Bhagat Singh and Udham Singh are hanged for avenging the 13 April 1919 massacre and so is Jagtar Hawara who is imprisoned for avenging the 1984 massacre .

        As long as India Keeps on following the Empire Laws it will always give the state the power to get away with massacres and it avengers to be in prison.

        The Empires laws give too much power to States even at the cost of individuals right.

        To achieve the goal of a “GENOCIDE FREE” state we will have to modify our laws accordingly .

        The laws should specifically take away the power of state to do “GENOCIDES”

      • You don’t NEED to pass a Law to stop you committing genocide anymore than you NEED a law to stop you committing rape – the implication being that without such legal sanction such activities are somehow acceptable. Your unquestioning obsession with obeying laws and lawmakers (no matter if they are implementing obviously unjust laws) was a defence that civil servant Eichmann used in his war crimes trial as to why he wasn’t guilty of murdering Jews by the million even though he had quite proudly improved the efficiency in which their death trains carried them to the concentration camps. And this constant need to try and absolve the Indian State and its peoples of guilt by saying its all the fault of repressive laws we happened to inherit from previous foreign (this is the critical point you keeping trying to make in a Pontius Pilate way) regimes just isn’t factually correct – do you remember the TADA law or its equally unconstitutional and draconian replacement Prevention of Terrorist Activities law – both created by the Indian State within the last 25 years, enforced by Indians and perpetrated at Indians without the help of any ‘bad’ Westerners. Really you are like a drunk blaming the bar for serving you alcohol when the alcoholism comes from your own weak will and lack of restraint.

      • As for your cynical and callous contention that despite all the indignities and human rights abuses he is now being subjected to Bhai Hawara should ‘write a book’ why don’t you ask your friend Prakash Badal to write that kiss and tell-all book he swears so vigorously he will never write? I don’t suppose you want such a book to come out either as it would expose what he has done in Punjab on behalf of his masters that they saw fit to award him a service award. But then again if either Hawara or Badal did write a book you have it quickly banned if not burned as is the RSS Nazi adoring tradition. .

      • Lot of though come to life once they are reduced to Writing.
        If there exists a LAW banning Genocides by anyone then it will work .
        It should become an part of our constitution that the States will not do

      • I absolutely despair at such gutter thinking if that is the mentality of the RSS. You need a law to stop you thinking that genocide is all right?! What use are your books on mahabharat and ramayan that you tout so often if they cannot instil in you the difference between good and evil, right and wrong? Perhaps you are not human beings after all and are missing that divine writ that is humanity which Waheguru writes in every human heart.

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