:dateline:In latest developments in the plight of Bapu Surat Singh’s protest fast against Sikh prisoners not being released after serving their term, the district administration has authorized�injection of a liquid diet.
Following the orders of District Administration of Ludhiana, authorities of Dayanand Medical College & Hospital has tied a food pipe to Bapu Ji�s body and has started injecting liquid diet via his nose. It is notable that Bapu Ji was observed to be unconscious for many hours and was still unconscious�as this report is being written.
Talking with Sikh24, Bhai Ravinderjit Singh Gogy (son of Bapu Surat Singh Ji Khalsa) informed us that Bapu Ji was being observed as unconscious from many hours. Deputy Commissioner Rajat Aggarwal, SSP Ravcharan Brar �took the immediate step of force feeding Bapu Ji with a liquid diet without taking permission from family members. He said that the behaviour of DMCH authorities�is very hurtful�towards Bapu Ji and family members. He advised�that Bapu Ji has been�brutally handled while process of feeding was taking place.
Bapu Surat Singh is seen to be struggling to fend of physical approaches by doctors and police members when he was previously forcefully removed from his home to be taken to hospital only a few weeks ago.
He and his family have been clear that they don’t wish to be interfered with by police and doctors. Their demands have been ignored and he continues to be taken into custody against his will.
Plz. Release jathedar Jagtar singh