Word Of The Day: sa-bhraa-ee ਸਭਰਾਈ

ਸਭਰਾਈ (sa-bhraa-ee)
Meaning: adjective, feminine singular: ਸ + ਭਰਾਈ (sa + bhraa-ee) = with brothers i.e. fortunate, honourable, noble (woman).

ਆਪਣੇ ਕੰਤ ਪਿਆਰੀ ਸਾ ਸੋਹਾਗਣਿ   ਨਾਨਕ ਸਾ ਸਭਰਾਈ॥
aapṇe kaňt piaaree saa sohaagaň  naanak saa sa-bhraa-ee.
Nanak! The woman who is loved by her Husband Divine is happy and noble.
– Guru Nanak Sahib, Guru Granth Sahib, Page 722

Message: The reference here can be seen in the light of an old belief in Punjab that the husband is the honour of a woman in her in-law’s house, and her brothers are her honour in her parent’s house. A woman with brothers was believed to be honourable and fortunate.

Every man and woman wants to be loved and honoured. How much happier can one be if the love comes from the Divine – the source of love – in its purest form? But how does one obtain this love? Be selfless, devoted, and make a commitment to serve the Divine.

Sadly many fail to do so. We remain foolish and ignorant while indulging in material and sensual pleasures that will yield nothing. We are intoxicated with greed, pride and egotism. It is we who do not know how to enjoy the love of the Divine who is so close to us. It is an honour to be loved and cherished by the Divine. Do we even think about that? Happy and noble is the one who is aware of this love, and who, through virtuous actions, can receive and return it in the same measure.

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Etymology: From Sanskrit sa-bhraatri(ka).

No other form of the word found in the Guru Granth Sahib.


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