OP/ED: Should Sikh Organizations Embrace AXE Advert Contrary to Gurmat?

This week we have seen some Sikh Organizations providing aid to victims of floods whilst others have reported fighting injustices against Sikhs banned from wearing Sikh articles of faith.

A post by a Sikh group on the AXE ad
A post by a Sikh group on the AXE ad

I was saddened tonight to see some Sikh organizations promoting an AXE advertisement on social networks. The advertisement portrays a turbaned man kissing a woman in public on the Subway, contrary to Gurmat values of the Sikh Panth.

This advert comes in the backdrop of an advert by GAP featuring Waris Ahluwalia which went viral within days of it being displayed in subways, billboards as well as GAP outlets.

AXE obviously used such an advert to prompt a reaction from the public—after all that’s the point of marketing, to have to brand and product talked about.

What is saddening is that an organisation self professing to be Panthik have now wedged in on behalf of marketing firms to openly embrace such behavior which is against Gurmat norms.

Some posts on social networks have expressed following views:

If [an] underwear company creates an ad with a guy wearing a dastar running around in the rain will you guys call that progress and great recognition for the Sikh religion? What happened to becoming Guru’s Sikhs walking the path of Gurmat not kalyugs Sikhs walking the path of manmat?

Great let’s have these people as role models for the youth not the Chardikala Sikhs and Shaheeds who are and were walking and living Sikhi not just claiming to be Sikhs. I thought we were supposed to be Sardars not clowns? I thought Singh’s protected the honor of others not take it?

I guess since we failed to do parchar of Guru Granth Sahib Ji’s philosophy the history of our elders we’ve become so desperate for people to recognize us that we start turning to this to “represent the Sikh religion.” Btw the way the turban outfitters picture is amazing. Props to that Singh.
A Pal Singh

axe doesn’t care a dam about Sikhism …publicity stunt…
A Garewal

Readers, weigh in

What do you think of the ad? What do you think of our guest columnist’s opinion?


  1. I really don’t understand what the problem is – he is kissing his wife! Why is this so against gurmat? The turban gets so much disrespect and here it is portrayed in a positive light and you guys want to make it wrong… Weird.

  2. First off, why are u hiding behind being a “guest” columnist? Secondly it feels quiet selfish and an image dampning attempt to ignore other comments where it says she is his wife, ignore other posts and writing abt UNITED SIKHS efforts in Philippines, advocacy work etc tweets and posts for which are made much more frequently than one random post like this , which wasn’t really promoted as in fb terms, promoted= paid , none of this speaks really well on ur intentions to suppress the good as u see it and highlight the not so good ( simply in ur opinion). Maybe we shd start a Gurmat thread on intentions as the Gurmat most of us refer too primarily talks and teaches abt tht.

  3. what the heck you people want??
    how this picture is against sikhism… grow up guys, dont be so rigid, u have to change with time…

    infact i would like to wish my frends in the pic gud luck for future assignment..

    Amarpal Singh Grewal

  4. I don’t think it is a big issue .. where in Gurmat does it says a Sikh is not allowed to kiss? he isn’t doing anything wrong in public is he? Kissing is common living abroad I see guys wearing Turbans kissing in college or in parks even .. Do you go and stop them too?
    Sikh leaders aren’t setting up any good examples either
    you guys just seem to be jealous that he got famous .. Gurmat is not a problem for u all .. I am pretty sure people talking about Gurmat here don’t wear a turban themselves..

  5. I’m pretty sure the couple is married. If what they’re doing is anti-gurmat, I don’t think we’ll see any future Singhs or Kaurs :)

  6. Let’s stop judging! They are an actual married couple expressing their love for each other. And this is not yet an ad, it’s for a competition by AXE that talks about #MakeLoveNotWar I really wish more Sikhs and more human beings expressed their love openly to each other. Loving your spouse openly is not a bad thing, in fact we have something to learn from them. And one of the most important values of being a good Sikh is that we don’t judge anyone, no one. Whatever your faith, whomsoever you believe, it’s quite simple to me – if you don’t see God in all, you don’t see God at all. #StopJudgingPlease

  7. I will never be able to understand your guys’ way of thinking. First you demand acceptance, recognition and equality; and then once you start getting that, you start to get picky. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the axe ad. In fact, I love it. As a Sikh myself, it gives me pleasure that an international conglomerate is portraying their message of ‘Make Love, Not War’ with the help of a Sikh couple. They might just be using Sikhs in light of the recent trend, but that’s not the point. This trend is a part of what we need. The world needs to know who Sikhs are. And a Skih guy kissing his girlfriend/wife, what do you find so wrong about that? There are so many real issues out there that you could be focusing on.

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