Senator Corbett Calls for Support for the Sikh Community

:dateline:California State Senate Majority Leader Ellen M. Corbett (D-San Leandro) issued the following statement today:

�I am deeply saddened by Sunday�s tragic shooting at a Wisconsin Sikh temple. My heart goes out to the victims of this senseless act of violence and their families.

As every American should know, the Sikh religion is a peaceful, loving religion that originated in India and its devotees are honorable, good-hearted people who strongly support core American values.

Part of the Sikh religion is wearing five articles of faith � the Five K�s, they are called � and they include uncut hair, a metal bracelet and a strapped curved sword. Because of their customary beards and turbans � the Dastar or Dumalla as Sikhs refer to them � and widespread ignorance about their practices, Sikh men have sadly and unfortunately been the targets of hate crimes since September 11, 2001.

I am proud that my Senate district is home to many Sikhs, who are a positive, uplifting force throughout East Bay communities.

One of the founding principles of our country and our democracy is the freedom of religion. It is unacceptable for anyone to be attacked for practicing their faith. No one should have to live in fear at their place of worship.�

For more information, visit Senator Corbett�s web site at


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