Animal instinct of BJP’s supporters comes out; Humiliated Kashmiris by posting photos of Kashmiri girls with degraded captions

NEW DELHI, India—A day after the scrapping of Article 370 by the BJP led saffron Indian government on August 5, the over-confident protagonists of BJP’s move started humiliating the Kashmir masses by posting the photos of Kashmiri girls over social media along with degraded captions. A plenty of such posts are being witnessed over social media in which the BJP’s protagonists (mostly Hindu) could be seen making mockery of Kashmir masses by giving objectionable captions like “It’s mine Kashmiri plot” to the photos of Kashmiri girls.

Radical Hindu Sadhvi Prachi also manifested her racist mindset by giving a statement that now the unmarried youths will have their in-laws in Kashmir.

Similarly, a BJP affiliated UP legislator Vikram Saini stated that the BJP workers excited over the scrapping of Article 370 as it would now enable them to marry ‘gori’ (fair) Kashmiri girls. He said the bachelors in BJP were now welcome to go to Kashmir, buy plots of land and get married.

BJP bachelors can go to Valley and marry fair Kashmiri girls: BJP MLA
Watch this video on YouTube.


  1. What great deeds or good have Hindus ever done throughout history! History is a long charge-sheet of Hindu Brahmin and elitist crimes against humanity, from their gruesome, enduring caste oppression to their current cruelties by abusive and oppressive use of their precious Indian state power. The entirety of Hindusim and Hindu-dom is full of contradictions, idiocies, distortions, lies, myths and cover ups. Take the prime example of Ram and Sita and Ravan. Ravan is presented as a cruel, rogue. Ram is presented as a hero. This is entirely against the facts. Ravan is a very ethical, wise and decent person, who protected and treated Sita with dignity and upmost respect. Ram pushed his wife Sita out of the home whilst she was pregnant, on a pathetic reason. Ram killed a person from a low-caste for breaching strict caste rules. Ram engaged in all sorts of dehumanising behaviour. The whole of Diwali is based on a gargantuan pack of lies!

  2. This is your india you are cheap nation just tell a single islamic where a non muslim is killed for not saying Allah Ho Akber it is only india where people are for not saying Jai Shiri raam. How can you guys do this in this world shame on india as a whole nation

  3. Cheap mentality people they are .. there comments must be deleted or action should be taken against them …. shameful behaviour

  4. It is a shameful behavior and speaks volumes about there up bringing.Such behavior should cease forth with.There posts must be deleted.They are all apart of us.

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