Home WORLD Punjab Jathedar Hawara’s Back Pain Intensifies; Issues Sandesh For Unity Through Bhai Amrik...

Jathedar Hawara’s Back Pain Intensifies; Issues Sandesh For Unity Through Bhai Amrik Singh Ajnala

NEW DELHI, Punjab—In a sandesh to the Sikh Panth issued through Bhai Amrik Singh Ajnala (Sarbat Khalsa appointed Jathedar of Takht Sri Keshgarh Sahib), Jathedar Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara appealed to the entire Sikh Nation to unite for the SGPC elections.

In a video statement released after meeting Bhai Hawara, Bhai Amrik Singh said –

“Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara is in chardi kala. He has appealed to the entire Sikh Nation to unite so we can free the SGPC and Sikh institutions,” Bhai Amrik Singh Ajnala said.

Bhai Amrik Singh Ajnala said that Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara should be transferred to Punjab.  “Jathedar Hawara has no cases pending in Delhi, but he does in Punjab.  I appeal to everyone to make effort so Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara can be transferred to Punjab,” he added.

Meanwhile, Damdami Taksal Chief and President of Sant Samaj, Baba Harnam Singh Dhumma, sought facilitation of immediate treatment for back pain to Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara. Notably, Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara is suffering of back pain to such an extent that he is not able for an extended period of time.

Taking on the Tihar Jail authorities and Indian government for not taking Bhai Hawara’s illness seriously, Baba Harnam Singh Dhumma has said that if Bhai Hawara faces any unfortunate incident then the Indian government will be responsible for this. He added that the Union government of India was committing violation of human rights by depriving Bhai Hawara from treatment.

It may be recalled here also that Jathedar Hawara’s legal counsel Advocate Amar Singh Chahal had earlier informed that even the Indian Judiciary was portraying biased approach towards Jathedar Hawara. He had told that despite of submitting Bhai Hawara’s medical reports, the court has fixed December 6 to conduct hearing on petition for his medical check up.

Recalling the earlier meeting of Sikh activists with Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Advocate Chahal had further informed that the Sikh activists had properly apprised Kejriwal of the seriousness of this issue but still there was no action by the Delhi government in this concern. 



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