Giani Pinderpal Singh Receives Special Honour at Manji Sahib

:dateline:Renowned Sikh preacher Giani Pinderpal Singh received a special honour on October 13 by the SGPC.� The recognition was made by SGPC Secretary Dr. Roop Singh and other officials for Giani Ji’s contributions to raising awareness of Gurbani within Sikh masses.�

This recognition was bestowed to Giani Pinderpal Singh for also�narrating religious discourses from October 5 onwards to Sikh devotees at Gurdwara Diwan Hall Manji Sahib.

SGPC Secretary Dr. Roop Singh said on this occasion that Giani Pinderpal Singh was performing a precious act of encouraging devotees towards Sikhi.� He added that the SGPC was committed to honour such Sikh personalities who have dedicated their lives for Sikhi parchar. On behalf of SGPC, he specially thanked Giani Pinderpal Singh on this occasion.

SGPC member S. Ajmer Singh Khera, Additional Head Granthi of Sri Harmandir Sahib Giani Jagtar Singh, SGPC Secretary Dr. Roop Singh, Manager of Sri Harmandir Sahib S. Sulakhan Singh Bhangali, Bhai Harmittar Singh etc. were present on this occasion.

Earlier, Giani Pinderpal Singh was bestowed the title of ‘Bhai Sahib’ by the Akal Takht Sahib in 2013.


  1. Pinder pal Singh is another stooge of RSS and is helping push Bachitter Natak all over the world. No wonder SGPC which is acting as a front of RSS to help in their agenda of wiping out our religion will honor him.

  2. Earlier the SGPC had banned Bhai Ji Pinderpal Singh from performing kirtan at Darbar Sahib when he spoke against them, now they honouring him, perhaps they forgot their previous doing – these SGPC have no stand and no shame.


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