Referring to an earlier letter written by the DSGMC a month ago, Manjit Singh apprised Tihar Jail authorities about the refusal of medical treatment to Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara. It has been also mentioned in the letter that only through the intervention of Delhi High Court, had the jail authorities allowed Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara to undergo a scan two years ago, but since then, no treatment has been given to him.
Manjit Singh also raised objections at the size of Bhai Jagtar Singh’s cell. A 8’x10’ sized cell for 24 hours, violating the earlier schedule. Reminding the Jail authorities of basic jail manual, he has asked the DGP to admit Bhai Jagtar Singh Hawara to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) hospital, so that his pain could be treated.
Jathedar Jagtar Singh Hawara was selected as the Akal Takht Jathedar during the Sarbat Khalsa (Complete Sikh gathering) of 2015, directly dismissing the politically installed current Jathedars.
Sikh is an ALIEN from an PARALLEL UNIVERSE.-1.
Me and Reasonable Soul are from PARALLEL UNIVERSE -2.
In our Universe people live happily together without
I see Harinder is joined by another idiot probably another hindu diaper RSS and if im a sikh will u both eat your shoes lol Hindustan must first learn to use a toilet paper before eatting with your dirty hands, thats called being ignorant .
Now i might be a man from the green planet with a turban and u might be diaper model for Hindustan lol ha. Remember 1984 we sikh and green men with turbans from outer space remember so dont pull your hair and bite your dirty nails when u see a khalstian flag flying at your nearest hara rama temple ?
I hope i didnt scare you two hindu diaper dudes wrapped up like a true hindu men in saris with the hindustian flag but no toilets lol unbelievable. Now both you retarded monkey faces can fly away on your flying cows singing your i love india song . lol Take care lol ?Cheerios lol
Harinder. Not sure that there is any “greatest religion ” but I do think that this fellow”sikh” character that is comenting is an ISI troll just out to spew his or her inbred hatred. No real Sikh would be so ignorant
Sikh is an EMPIRE agent.
Jai Sri RAM.
Hinduism is the greatest RELIGION known to mankind.
Hey mr Kumar or what ever your monkey face hindu name you have , rememberr to wash your hands before eating your rice and curry , cause hindustian hindus dont use toilet paper , just some friendly advice
Harinder the chicken shit stinky hindu with a fake sikh name, the troll who hangs arround sikh web pages fearing what the sikhs are doing .
Hey mr Kumar or what ever your monkey face hindu name you have , rememberr to was your hands beforibg eating your rice and curry , cause hindustian hindus dont use toilet paper , just some friendly advice . Take care bhindrawale and ksp gill both are sikhs just a quick reminder, hindus just hide under their fellow hindu diapers and in battle , now man , be a good hindustian and jump back into your shit hole, mr hara rama hara kisna-shit Opps a spelling mistake lol
You are an EMPIRE agent .
Creating animosity between people of India.
Hey man 1984 was a Genocide and not an Riot.
No more Jarnail Singh Bhinderenwale ..
Never Forget
KPS Glll
Wow , so this is hindustian democracy on sikh locked up in hindu jails , dann no sikh justice for 1984 riots, than india treat our political sikh prisoners awefully bad, its time for the sikhs to unit and find their bhindrawale who has the lions blood giving the crooked india goverment a befitting reply , by showing hindus that the other sides can play the same hindu game.