Gurbani Word Of The Day: chhooṭan

ਛੂਟਨੁ (chhooṭan)
Meaning: noun: Escape, release, liberation.

ਨਾਵਨ ਕਉ ਤੀਰਥ ਘਨੇ ਮਨ ਬਉਰਾ ਰੇ   ਪੂਜਨ ਕਉ ਬਹੁ ਦੇਵ॥
ਕਹੁ ਕਬੀਰ ਛੂਟਨੁ ਨਹੀ ਮਨ ਬਉਰਾ ਰੇ   ਛੂਟਨੁ ਹਰਿ ਕੀ ਸੇਵ॥
naavan kau teerath ghane man bauraa re   poojan kau bahu dev.
kahu Kabir chhooṭan nahee man bauraa re   chhooṭan har kee sev.
O crazy mind! There are so many places of pilgrimage to bathe and so many gods to worship. However, Kabir says, you cannot find liberation through them; liberation is attained by serving the Divine. – Bhagat Kabir, Guru Granth Sahib, 336

Message: In an attempt to hold on to the material side of life, as well as to have some degree of liberation from it, human tries to find a middle path through rituals, pilgrimages and worship of numerous gods.

Bhagat Kabir cautions us against being misguided in our attempt to save ourselves. Liberation comes only through serving the one Almighty. Gurbani, the wisdom it contains, shows us how to do this. Performing empty rituals, going on pilgrimages or worshipping various gods and goddesses will not help in any way.

The crazy mind has to be brought under control. It has to be trained to distinguish between truth and falsehood. Our training guide is none other than Gurbani. The method is clearly laid out. In the company of divine oriented people, we can make a start in the right direction.

The gods of the valley are not the gods of the hills. -Ethan Allen, revolutionary, 1738-1789

Etymology: From Sanskrit kshuṭyate (is released) → Prakrit chhuṭṭai (released) → Sindhi chhuṭaṇu (to get loose), Lahndi chhuṭṭaṇ, andPunjabi chhuṭṭaṇaa.


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