Amnesty: No chargesheet against anyone by SIT in 1984 Sikh genocide cases

sikh-genocide-1984NEW DELHI—As per an information revealed by the Ministry of Home Affairs on the request of Amnesty International India, the Special Investigation Team has remained unsuccessful in filing charge sheet against even a single culprit of the 1984 Sikh Genocide. It is notable that the Special Investigation Team was constituted on February 12, 2015 by the Union Government of India to probe closed cases of 1984 Sikh genocide. Initially, the validity of the SIT was of six years but later in August 2015 it was extended for one more year. The SIT comprises of a retired Judge and two senior Police officials.

As per the information available from reliable sources, the Amnesty International India had firstly requested information under Right to Information Act about reasons behind extension of validity of SIT. The Ministry of Home Affairs had denied sharing it by excusing of not in the jurisdiction of RTI. Later in reply to another RTI request lodged by Amnesty International India in December-2015, the Ministry of Home Affairs disclosed that the SIT was probing 18 closed cases and 34 other files of cases investigated by another commission in 1990. It also disclosed that the SIT didn’t lodge charge sheet against any one till now. However, the Ministry of Home Affairs denied sharing the progress report about the working of SIT.

It is being speculated by the Sikh bodies that Sikhs will lose the last chance of getting justice in 1984 Sikh Genocide cases due to lack of transparency in working of the Special Investigation Team.    

It may be recalled here that more than 3000 Sikhs were heinously killed by the Hindu mobs in November-1984 in Delhi following the assassination of the then Prime Minister Indra Gandhi. Culprits responsible for massacring the Sikhs in Delhi have been enjoying political shadow since then.


  1. We need to ask each year all the

    1) “Law Makers ” in the world
    2) Judges in the world
    3) Online Poll

    If 1984 was a Justice denied to the Sikhs
    And Publish its results .

    • Such reports have published by the dozen by reputable organisations like Amnesty International et al. Ramesh Gopalakrishnan, Amnesty International’s South Asia researcher, said:The fact that almost 3,000 people can be murdered without anyone being brought to justice is offensive to any notion of justice and should be an embarrassment to the Indian government.”“For the Indian government to dismiss these cases due to lack of evidence is farcical. The various agencies responsible for carrying out the investigations failed to carry out the most cursory of tasks – including recording eyewitness and survivor statements.”“After 25 years and nine commissions of inquiry, the Indian government can and should do better. They must now re-open each case and properly investigate, with a view to finally bringing justice and closure to the victims and survivors of this terrible massacre.”“For the victims and survivors of the 1984 massacres, this has been an excruciating process of being promised justice and watching the government renege on its promises again and again.“All those responsible for the massacre must be brought to justice – whether they are political leaders, police or government officials.”

  2. We need to


    our selves from the third 1984 Sikh Genocide .

    No one is interested in giving us justice for it . Looks like we are standing alone in its pursuit.
    No party ,Nation or Religion has the courage to say that we have been denied Justice .

    We also need to add them in our

    1) Prayers
    2) Each year on 31 Oct we need to log in all the Courts of the world to give us “JUSTICE 84″
    which we may call mission


    More such Genocides may occur in future with the community.

    We need to study each one in depth and adopt preventive measures .

    • I have told you many times before to be resurrected one needs to die first. The Sikh kaum was not killed (despite the best efforts of the Indian State) by Bluestar, Black Thunder, Woodrose, Delhi pogroms, Beant / KPS Gill et al – you have only made loha into steel with those fires you started.
      Also the Sikh nation is not asking for justice we are demanding it. We are shaming those who refuse to stand up for human decency – journalist Jarnail ASingh threw a shoe at Congress Home MInister Chidambaram in 2009 for giving CBI clean chit to Jagdish Tytler who was then going to get a Government posting as a Congress Official. That incident publicly shamed the Congress who had to back down from rewarding Tytler. All around the world increasingly members of parliament are coming out and calling the mass murder of Sikhs (which are still referred to as Delhi Riots in India!) as an act of genocide. It seems to me the courts of the world along with media and NGOs have already determined that the pogroms against the Sikhs were state sponsored terrorism against a religious minority. It is only the police and judiciary in India after more than thirty years which still continues to fail in calling a spade a spade. You would not have had the genocide in Gujarat if the genocide against Sikhs in 1984 had been recognised and the culprits convicted of their crimes against humanity.

  3. This so called Amnesty Interntional India – all Hindus I guess? Disgusting all is before their eyes are no they cannot bring anyone to Justice – not surprising because only Sikhs were killed…
    Beyond belief….

    • Bhenji, I think you misread the story as the Indian branch of Amnesty International was the NGO actually asking the Special Investigation Team to give information on what progress they had achieved. Without asking that question we would not have the disgraceful answer that the SIT has made zero progress and more than likely will continue to make no progress and allow the murderers of Sikhs go unpunished. The stupid political parties who desire this result – not just the Congress but also the Hinduvta nexus (who would then have to open similar inquiries into the massacres in Gujrat and Kashmir etc) – completely underestimate the fact that denying justice to the Sikh victims will lead to the wound inflicted on Sikh psyche to become completely unhealable and SIkhs will as a consequence always have to remember that in their own country (which they had suffered disproportionately to free and sustain) they were slaughtered without mercy by their fellow citizens just for being Sikhs and that such unconscionable murders were then purposively allowed to go unresolved. Effectively the State is looking to protect around three thousand Hindus who either participated or condoned the genocide of Sikhs and is prepared to accept engendering generations long bitterness in the Sikh kaum (after all we remember in our daily prayers to this day both the greater and lesser holocausts of the 17th century perpetrated by the Moghuls) as the price worth paying. Madness.

      • Just to clarify when I talk of around three thousand ‘Hindus’ I mean ‘criminals’ who identify themselves culturally with Hinduism rather than people who actually practise it spiritually (as Hindus certainly saved Sikh lives in the genocide and one Hindu in particular was murdered for sheltering Sikhs in Delhi). Such criminals used jingoistic patriotism to justify the abuses and atrocities they committed.

      • Saw a video today where Amarinder Singh (Congress) defends Jagdish Tytler, sharing a platform with him and saying he is innocent of involvement in inciting murder aginst Sikhs in 1984 Delhi whereas HKL Bhagat and Sajjan Kumar are guilty. Just goes to show it is not just topiwale who are involved in protecting the guilty there are plenty of those in turbans doing it too.


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