Petition for Obama to Challenge Modi on the Labelling of Sikhs as Hindus by the Indian Constitution

2014-12-04-petitionWASHINGTON, DC—Sikhs are petitioning President Obama to question Indian Prime Minister Modi why the Indian Constiution labels Sikhs as Hindus, and raise issues surrounding the Sikh Genocide and the right to self-determination.

Sikhism, with over 30 million followers, is the world’s 5th largest religion.

On January 26, 1950 the Constitution of India was enforced without the consent of Sikhs who refused to sign it because Explanation II to Article 25(b) of the Constitution labels “Sikhs” as “Hindus.”

January 26, 2015 marks the 65th year of Sikhs’ struggle for right to self-determination, for which Sikhs have been subjected to “Genocide” with impunity, starting from:

– June 1984, military action against the Golden Temple;

– November 1984, organized killing of over 30,000 Sikhs; and

– 1984-98, extra-judicial killing of over 100,000 Sikhs.

Please sign the petition at this link:


  1. I highly doubt the leader of the United States of America would be so ignorant as to make such a declaration. No one can be that nonsensical.

    • “Accept all humans as your equals, and let them be your only sect” (Guru Nanak Dev Ji). “Recognise all of mankind as a single caste of humanity” (Guru Gobind Singh Ji).

  2. Sikhs are not hindus I think everybody knows that but still petition is there and I have no problem in getting it signed


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