GURDASPUR, Punjab—In a press statement, the SGPC President Avtar Makkar has condemned the incident at Gurdwara Miri Piri Patshahi Chhevin, located on the Sri Hargobindpur Talwara road. His statement came after a volume of Siri Guru Granth Sahib was severely damaged after a fire incident at the Gurdwara which was caused by a short circuit. The incident took place at 10 AM, shortly after the Sikh Sangat had left the morning services.
Makkar alleged that from time to time, the SGPC publishes notifications in the newspapers, asking Gurdwara sevadars to ensure proper electric wiring in Gurdwaras, to ensure there are no incidents of short-circuits. Sikh24 has reported multiple such incidents, in which Siri Guru Granth Sahib ji’s volumes have been left with severe damage.
The local Sikh Sangat is however suspicious over the incident, and have asked for an in-depth inquiry. It has been alleged that there was no electricity in the Gurdwara when the incident took place, further, only the bed in the sukhasan room was left burnt.