Word Of The Day : Paanchai

Theme for the Week:
In the previous week’s selection, we reflected upon stanzas 1 through 5 from Thiteeň, a composition based on 15 lunar days of the Indian Lunar Calendar by Bhagat Kabeer.

This week, we will feature five words and verses from stanzas 6 through 10 from Thiteeň. In the context of the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth day of the lunar fortnight, it will be interesting to study and learn about the fascinating references made to five elements, six chakras and six directions, two meanings of the word sat, eight ingredients and nine gates of the body, etc.

ਪਾਂਚੈ (paaṅchai)
Meaning: fifth day of the lunar fortnight.

ਪਾਂਚੈ  ਪੰਚ ਤਤ ਬਿਸਥਾਰ॥ ਕਨਿਕ ਕਾਮਿਨੀ ਜੁਗ ਬਿਉਹਾਰ॥
paaṅchai  paňch tat bisthaar. kanik kaaminee jug biuhaar.

Message on the fifth day of the lunar fortnight: The world is merely an expansion of the five transient elements, yet man is occupied in the pursuit of gold and women.
– Bhagat Kabeer, Guru Granth Sahib, Page 343

Message: With reference to the fifth day of the lunar cycle, Bhagat Kabeer chides man by stating that the world is believed to be the creation of five transient elements – Earth, Water, Wind, Fire and Ether (space). Meaning man prides his ego even though our creation and longevity in life is temporary. We are composed of temporary or transient elements.

Yet we are occupied with the pursuit of excessive greed for wealth and lust for sensual pleasures (these too are temporary and we quickly get bored with them since the sensual pleasures associated with them do not stay for a long time).

Rare are those who understand the transient nature of the world and strive to imbibe the essence of divine love and virtue. Those who do so, overcome their worldly temptations and enticements. They are emboldened and energized to face the ups and downs of life. They do not fear aging, anguish or death. They learn the way to live in the present moment and thus find the way to celestial peace and tranquility.

Faith is reacting positively to a negative situation.
– Robert H. Schuller, Televangelist, 1926-2015

Notes: Traditional belief was that the earth (soil), air, water, fire (temperature) and sky (space) are the five elements. However, scientifically, the body consists of elements like oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus etc.

Reminder Note: This week and next week we will still be covering the messages of the 15 days of the lunar month. Each day is poetically captured within a divine message. These 15 days are not “locked” to any period but serve as small steps that guide us to living a life of purity, awareness and love.

Keen to Explore Further?
Etymology:From Sanskrit paňcham (fifth) andpaňchamee (fifth day of the lunar fortnight) Prakrit paṁchamee → Hindi paachai, Bihari paachui, Sindhi paňjaaee, Punjabi paňjvee.


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