Ontario premier Kathleen Wynne Pays Obeisance at Darbar Sahib

KathlineAMRITSAR SAHIB, Punjab—Kathleen Wynne, premier of Canadian province, today paid obeisance at supreme Sikh shrine Sri Darbar Sahib. Several officials of the Ontario province accompanied her.

She wore Punjabi dress while visiting the Sikh shrine.  Wynne also performed ‘seva’ of preparing food at Guru Ramdas Langar Hall. The SGPC authorities welcomed here warmly despite earlier reports by some media outlets alleging that Wynne may not be welcomed here. 

She doing sewa at Guru Ramdas Langar Hall
Wynne performing seva at Guru Ramdas Langar Hall

Following reports by several mainstream media outlets that the Wynne will not be given a siropa (robe of honour) by the SGPC, Wynne gave a statement stating that she would visit the holiest Sikh shrine regardless.  As per reports, SGPC had refused to present a siropa due to Wynee being a lesbian.  SGPC’s statement was met with sharp criticism by the Sikh diaspora for discriminating due to gender and sexual orientation.


    • Honestly it’s got to the point when you say reasonable things like this when I am not sure whether you are just being slow-hand clappingly sarcastic now.

  1. Let me get this right – the SGPC (Spineless Godless Perverted Collaborators) don’t want to give a saropa of honour to the leader of a country (who treats its Sikh community exceedingly well) but they do want to give a saropa of honour to Sukhbir Badal (whose government shoots Sikhs on sight and then protects the police officers who do the killings)?! And their reasoning is what? This woman is a lesbian – was she going to perform a sexual act within Darbar Sahib? Of course not. As for Sukhbir Badal – he commits acts of defilement against the Darbar Sahib every time his dirty mind enters there harbouring thoughts of disrespecting and disavowing the Panj Pyare and concept of Miri-Piri! Kathleen Wynne is first and foremost a human being and is welcome to the Darbar Sahib as such and even more so recognised for being the premier of another country (one which shows the world how to behave decently towards Sikhs). Her gender and sexuality are NOT the means by which you judge her character and certainly not when you have SGPC ‘acceptable role models’ the likes of Sukhbir Badal and his cronies who spend their personal time drinking, traffiking drugs and performing naked bhangra for Ram Rahim and his Hinduvta paymasters.

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