Golak and Weapons stolen from Gurdwara Sahib in Bathinda

BATHINDA, Punjab—An incident of stealing of coffer and weapons from a Gurdwara Sahib in Bathinda has again spread the wave of outrage across Punjab. Questions about the security of Gurdwara premises across Punjab have again occupied the minds of Punjab residents after the occurrence of serial desecration incidents across Punjab four months ago.

As per fresh reports available from sources in Bathinda, three miscreants in the dawn (at 2:30 am) of January 30 took away the coffer installed in Gurdwara Sahib along with the weapons placed in front of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. The management of Gurdwara Sahib has lodged a complaint to police about the incident and the police have started probing the incident.

As per the CCTV footage of Cameras installed in Gurdwara Sahib, the trio thieves were carrying sharp-edged weapons along with a pistol. Two of them were clean-shaved and one was having beard on face. They first broke the lock of outer door of the Gurdwara Sahib and then the lock of main Hall of Gurdwara Sahib.

After taking away the coffer, they tried to break it. As soon as they threw the coffer on road, the sound produced caused nearby living people to come out. The thieves shot fires in the air and ran from there along with coffer.

Caught in CCTV: Thieves are Stealing Charity Box in Bathinda's Gurudwara
Watch this video on YouTube.


  1. We have such degeneracy in Punjab now that sacrilege is becoming brazen. Every single Gurdwara in Punajb should be fitted with a live streaming CCTV system and alarms on doors all connected to a central monitoring station where Sikhs can be given paid employment and supplement SIkhs watching live streams as volunteers with perhaps an App to alert local Sikhs when a break in has occurred – ALL paid for by the SGPC even it means Makkar and his Manmukhs buy a little less gold watches and spectacles for themselves.


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