Month of June and History of Sikh Holocausts

Next weekend, Gurdwara Sahibs across the globe will celebrate the shaheedi of the Singhs who defended Sri Harmandir Sahib in 1984. Many religious people celebrate the bravery of their martyrs as part of their religious tradition. For example, Shiite Muslims celebrate “Ashura” the death anniversary of Muhammad’s grandson Hussain. During these celebrations—for a week or so—many Shiite Muslims endure some type of physical pain as a means to remember Hussain’s sacrifice for their religion.

Jews celebrate the day of Triumph which marks the day when the Maccabee Martyrs took over Judea after much bloodshed. For a week or so, the Jews light candles in their homes and recite songs of martyrdom and praises of God. In modern times, Jews have created a holiday to celebrate the martrys of the Holocaust, the holiday is known as “Yom Ha Shoah”.

Sikhi is the religion of Shaheeds, yet very few take time out of their year to reflect and thank these Shaheed Singhs who have given up so much for Sikhi. Without these Shaheed Singhs, Sikhi would have died many years ago. Yes, it’s true everyday in Ardas we remember the modern and puratan shaheed Singhs, but it’s even nicer how every June we remember the martyrdom of Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji and the Singhs and Singhnis who died in Operations Blue Star and Black Thunder.

This month of Jeth is a month in which countless shaheeds sacrificed their lives for Sikhi. For example, Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji became shaheed after being placed on an extremely hot plate. Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Ji and the Singhs in Delhi were also martyred in this month.

Also in this month of Jeth many holocausts have occurred. For example, Chhota Ghallughara, Saka Paonta Sahib, Operation Blue Star, all have occurred during Jeth.

So let us take this month as a time to reflect and thank all those shaheed Singhs who have given their life for our Sikhi. Let us find ways in which we can also give back to the Guru’s Panth—whether is it an increase in dasvandh, amritvela, or seva.

ਕਉਤਕ ਦੇਖ ਕੈ ਦੇਵ ਕਹੈ ਧਨਿ ਵੇ ਜਨਨੀ ਜਿਨ ਏ ਸੁਤ ਜਾਏ – Looking down on the fallen martyrs, the angels say “blessed are those mothers who gave birth to them”- Sri Dasam Granth


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