Sacha Sauda Head Mimics Guru Ji Yet Again

:location:Though Gurmeet Ram Rahim has previously professed that he has not mimicked Guru Gobind Singh Ji during the blasphemous �Jaam-e-Insa� ceremony in May 2007, a video has surfaced online proving that the Dera Head is indeed portraying himself as a Sikh Guru.� The video highlights him sitting under a canopy listening to hymns being performed by so-called kirtanis who are singing Gurbani from Guru Granth Sahib.

The video not only exhibits Ram Rahim�s intentions to impersonate the Sikh Gurus, the sacrilege of Gurbani is also evident.� In accordance with the Sandesh of Sri Akaal Takhat Sahib passed in May 2007, Sikhs around the world should boycott the dera and its “premis”.

In addition to having caused sacrilege to Sikh traditions, the Dera head is also responsible for a row of criminal and fraudulent activities�including murders, abductions and rapes.� Though several court cases are ongoing in various courts in India, it is unclear when this fraudulent “holy man” will be brought to justice.

Haryana Government: Hidden Agenda & Anti-Sikh Motives

One Court in Haryana has issued summons against Jathedar, Giani Balwant Singh Nandgarh for issuing provoking statements against the Sacha Sauda dera.� As learned from the court orders, the court case was filed by a Sacha Sauda follower.� It is believed that the Sacha Sauda cult will use the Jathedar�s refusal to follow the summons as a precedent for the dera head.

The Haryana court should know that in the past, no Sikh Jathedar has appeared at any provincial court.� Doing so would have belittled the status of the Sikh Takhats, which are essentially thrones of Akal Purakh (God).� In 1980, Jathedar Giani Gurdial Singh Ajnoha had refused to appear in court on false allegations.� Though these allegations were withdrawn by the plaintiff, the court case was seen as an attempt to disparage the status of Akal Takhat Sahib.� Similarly, Singh Sahib Bhai Ranjit Singh also refused to comply with court orders after he became the Akal Takhat Sahib Jathedar.� It should be noted that Singh Sahib had already spent 14 years in prison for bringing the Nirankari chief to justice for similar actions as Ram Rahim.


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