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Sikh victim in Hit and Run – Surrey Police Looking for Witnesses

Police in Surrey, B.C., are asking for the public's help identifying the driver in a hit and run accident Saturday night. Just after 8 p.m. PT a man in his 40s was leaf...

Delhi Court to Hear US Citizen’s Testimony Against Jagdish Tytler

:dateline: The Delhi court has finally decided to hear the plea of Resham Singh, a US Citizen who has alleged Jagdish Tytler had a pivotal role in instigating the 1984 anti-Sikh pogroms. ...

New Novel by JK Rowling Features Sikh Characters

:dateline:Celebrated author JK Rowling, whose latest book has a Sikh family at the heart of a fictional village in south-west England called Pagford, says she did a “vast amount of research” on...

Department of American Studies Plans to expose post-9/11 Profiling Groups Still Face Today

:dateline:The effects of the War on Terror on Asian-American communities is the focus of a program called “Asian American Voices in an Age of Terror,” which will debut at the Rutgers Student...

Missing: Sukhvinder Singh from New Jersey

:dateline:The disappearance of a Camden County gas station attendant has rattled a community in Winslow Township. Sukhvinder Singh, 33, works at the BP on White Horse Pike in the Waterford section of Winslow...

Testimony of Harpreet Singh Saini before the United States Senate

Testimony of Harpreet Singh Saini before the UNITED STATES SENATE Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights Committee on the Judiciary on “Hate Crimes and the Threat of Domestic Extremism” September 19, 2012 My name is Harpreet Singh...

Sikh Leadership Tortured and Detained Illegally in India

:dateline:In Punjab, India, Daljit Singh Bittu and Kulbir Singh Barapind have been arrested by the Punjab police.  Kulbir Singh Barapind is the current president of the political party Akali Dal Panch Pardhani...

Balpreet Kaur Proudly Sports Facial Hair In Accordance With Her Faith

A picture snapped surreptitiously and posted to Reddit's r/funny thread has drawn attention to a little known tenet of the Sikh faith. "Yes, I’m a baptized Sikh woman with facial hair," Balpreet Kaur, a college...

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