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Sikh group gives ‘selfless service’ to feed Yuba-Sutter needy

Story republished from www.appeal-democrat.com :dateline:Their T-shirt features Nike's signature swoosh transformed into a ladle. SEVA — which translates from ancient Sanskrit to "selfless service" — is the call to action used by a growing cadre...

Bhai Punjab Singh Discharged from Wisconsin Hospital

:dateline:Bhai Punjab Singh,  a learned Sikh preacher who was critically wounded during the shootings at Wisconsin's Oak Creek Gurdwara Sahib in August has been discharged from the Froedtert Hospital.  The attack had claimed lives of...

Khalsa School students celebrate “International Day of the Girl” with SAFAR

:dateline:On October 11, 2012, in celebration of the International Day of the Girl, representatives of SAFAR (The Sikh Feminist Research Institute) visited Khalsa School Surrey for a eighty minute dialogue with high school girls...

Leamington & Warwick Gurdwara Allows Removal of Kesh

:dateline:The controversial Leamington & Warwick Gurdwara Sahib is again under the watchful eye of the Sikh community after concerned members of the Sikh community highlighted anti-Sikh activities that are taken place in...

Shots Fired at Gurdwara in Hull, UK

Yesterday shots were fired towards a Gurdwara in Hull, UK. Reports sugest the windows of the Gurdwara in Parkfield Drive, west Hull, were shattered when the pistol was fired at around 6pm...

Pictorial: Sikhs Celebrate 100 Years in America


Sikhs Hold Meeting with the Advisor to the Président of French Republic

:dateline:The Representative Council of French Sikh, Mr Hardip Singh Jarnail and Mr Ranjit G. Singh, have been received by the Advisor to the President of the Republic, Mr Faouzi Lambadoui, to discuss  the diversity...

UK Gurdwara ‘Beer Festival’ creates a stir

Beer Festival Poster – clearly advertising the venue as The ‘Sikh’ Leisure Centre :dateline:A Beer Festival took place from 4th to 6th October at the ‘Sikh Leisure Centre’ on Prospect Street in Huddersfeld....

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