Covid-19 starts gripping rural areas of Punjab

CHANDIGARH, Punjab—As per the latest reports, the second wave of Covid-19 pandemic has started gripping the rural areas of Punjab. According to the health officials, 34 per cent patients out of the total patients dying due to coronavirus are from rural areas.


Contrarily, the percentage of patients testing positive for coronavirus from rural areas are only 20%.

In the rural areas of Patiala, 50 persons have died of coronavirus during the last 10 days only.

Health experts say that the patients living in rural areas don’t go for testing and treatment until unless their symptoms don’t become severe.

On the other hand, health facilities in rural areas also remain insufficient due to which death rate goes up. Further, these deaths also go unreported several times.

As per the latest statistics, the case fatality rate in rural areas standing at 2.86 in comparison to 1.73 in the urban areas.

According to the Health Department, 3,708 persons tested positive in the rural areas of whom 106 succumbed to the virus between April 1 and May 11.

Meanwhile, the number of fatalities occurring daily due to coronavirus crossed the 200 mark on May 11.


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