S. Gurtej Singh IAS: Perspective on the January 26 Tractor March

The happenings of 26th January 2021 at New Delhi need to be understood in proper perspective. The events nearer to time ? the students protest, the Shahinbagh resistance, Nirbhaiya protest, anti-corruption movement filled the skies of Delhi with the smoke of burning property and littered the streets with human remains.
A little earlier, we remember how the sadhus ran amuck over cow protection and what havoc they caused ? the 1984 massacre is too painful to be recalled. Even when compared to the recent happenings in Washington, 26th January was a tame affair. The heavens did not open up; the hell did not break loose. The innate goodwill and the wonderful benign culture of the ever-increasing empathy and goodwill of the farmers for humanity and respect for human rights were fully displayed during the farmers’ agitation.
We rejoice at the wonderful restrain of our brothers from all over India. Not a glass ? not even a teacup ? was wantonly broken, not a single daughter of the Republic suffered the slipping of a scarf from her head. We are proud that not a drop of blood but their own was shed. We are grateful to the farmers for hoisting the common flag of all humanity and the coloured rags of petty political concerns, hurting the feelings of none, and yet saying what needed to be said. We again rejoice that the compassion and guidance of Guru Nanak were in the service of all peoples, all faiths, and all the disadvantaged. It is also memorable that no one slunk away donning a salwar at the dead of night. It was a glorious interval on all accounts.
The government must not continue trying to gain control of civilization’s destinies and must scrap, revoke or repeal the three laws.


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