Gurbani Word Of The Day: has?aa

???? (has?aa)

Meaning: noun: Laughing, rejoicing.

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khaa?aa pee?aa has?aa �baad. jab lag �ridai na aavahi yaad.
(O Creator!) Eating, drinking and laughing are futile until You are remembered or cherished in the heart! -Guru Nanak Sahib, Guru Granth Sahib, 351

Message: The joys of life are to be enjoyed. The Guru never tells us to renounce the world. However, all forms of enjoyment are to no avail if we forget the Creator. While engaged in our worldly pursuits, we need to remember the Creator�s presence all around us, in people and nature.

When we forget the Source of sustenance in our lives, we descend to the dungeon of inflated egoism. Our lives can be more joyous and peaceful if we remember the Creator while earning our livelihood and enjoying our comforts.

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Tasting the Divine essence, one is satisfied, and taking this essence to the mind, one rejoices spiritually. �Guru Arjun Sahib, Guru Granth Sahib, 811

Etymology: From Sanskrit�hasan�(laughing) ? Pali�hasan (laughter) ? Prakrit�hasa?�? Gujarati�has?u�(joke).


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