CHANDIGARH, Punjab—Notorious IG Paramraj Umranangal, who was arrested by the Special Investigation Team in Kotkapura firing case on February 18 and is currently lodged in Patiala jail, has been granted bail by the District & Sessions Court of Faridkot. Notably, Umranangal had earlier secured an anticipatory bail from the Punjab & Haryana High Court on March 7 due to which the Police would have to give a 7 days prior notice before arresting him in any other case.
It is noteworthy here that Umranangal was grilled for about a week by the Special Investigation Team after his arrest on February 18.
After arresting Umranangal, SIT member IG Kunwar Vijay Partap Singh had said that Paramraj Umranangal was commanding everything at Kotkapura and force in strength had gone there (the spot where protesters were sitting) from Ludhiana.
(For more details click here)
Can’t Blame Paramraj Umranangal for Kotkapura Firing Incident, says Court