Gurbani Word Of The Day: peeṇaa

ਪੀਣਾ (peeṇaa)

Meaning: noun: Drinking, drink.

ਭਉ ਖਾਣਾ ਪੀਣਾ ਆਧਾਰੁ॥ 
ਰੱਬੀ-ਡਰ ਆਦਰਸ਼ਕ ਖਾਣ-ਪਾਣ ਅਤੇ ਜੀਵਨ-ਆਧਾਰ (ਆਸਰਾ) ਹੈ।

bhau khaaṇaa peeṇaa aadhaar.
Divine awe or awareness is the ideal food and drink, and support of life. -Guru Nanak Sahib, Guru Granth Sahib, 151

Message: Real awe or awareness
Divine awareness and a graceful attitude to things, events, and people around us is an ideal state.

The regular consumption and inculcation of the spiritual teachings of Gurbani in our lives help in the attainment of a peaceful, spiritual experience. When divine virtues become part of our diet and lifestyle, we slowly transcend all doubt, anxiety and fear.

ਭਉ ਖਾਣਾ ਪੀਣਾ ਸੁਖੁ ਸਾਰੁ॥
Divine awareness is the ideal food and drink, and the most excellent peace. -Guru Nanak Sahib, Guru Granth Sahib, 1345

Etymology: From Sanskrit pibati (drinks) → Pali pibati/pivati → Prakrit pibai/pivai → Lahndi peevaṇ and Punjabi peeṇaa.


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