Chief Justice of India: I gained spiritual peace after having glimpse of Darbar Sahib

:dateline:Chief Justice of India Jagdish Singh Khehar reached Sri Harmandir Sahib to pay obeisance along with his family this past Saturday. Justice�Khehar had sworn in as a Chief Justice of India on January 4.

Following the culmination of Sri Akhand Path Sahib for the well being of his family, Justice Khehar listened the melodious Kirtan at sanctum sanctorum Sri Harmandir Sahib.

Interacting with media, Justice Khehar said that after having glimpse of the sanctum sanctorum he has gained spiritual peace. He added that the Sikh ideology gives message to robust communal harmony.

Justice Khehar�s wife Satpal Kaur Khehar and other family members were honoured with model of Sri Harmandir Sahib, a Sri Sahib and religious books by the SGPC President Prof. Kirpal Singh Badungar and Chief Secretary Harcharan Singh at the Information Centre.



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    Could you please answer why did God create the earth and man?

    I’ll be highly obliged for the reply.

  2. Looks like another Manmohan Singh type stooge. Singh in name only. Otherwise he would not have been picked for this position.

  3. Only his actions will show the world what he really stands for? If he is a true sikh he will dismantle all the laws TADA etc by declaring them unconstitutional , and go after culprits of 1984 sikh genocide.

  4. Gained spiritual peace ? Do you not find peace from being a Sikh and reading bani in any case….. are these people for real and is he going to do anything to highlight the corruption of the Indian Government and still continue to being Hinduvata beliefs into Sikhi. These so called chiefs are only in it for themselves and do nothing else……

  5. i will gain spiritual peace when the siri darbar sahib and siri akal takht are freed from evil indian government! raj karega khalsa, waheguru ji ka khalsa waherguru ji keh fateh!


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