Sikhs are expected to be travelling from all corners of the world. For the convenience of Sikh devotees, we are publishing the full program list here:
PDF File:�Programme-Punjabi�- Download
Hazoori Ragis, Dhadis, Nihang Jathebandis and other worldwide Sikh organizations are listed as also participating in events that�have already begun, and will culminate on the Gurpurb day itself, on January 5th.
Sri Hazoor Sahib in particular is following Hinduvata rituals and the RSS are succeeding in this because all our kute leaders are not too blind to notice this – better that they are Hindus dressed up as Sikhs. I am pleased to note that some of our Sikh fellows recognise what is going on and wake up call is definitely the keys.
One should learn from the hindutva forces how to kill someone without dirtying their own hands. We Sikhs keep on falling in their traps over and over again. It started in 1947 and is still going on. The reason Indian government (RSS agents) is helping to celebrate 350th birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh ji is multifold. To start with they want to wipe out the guilt of 1984 sikh genocide from their conscious and show it to the world how great they are ? Secondly by inviting as guest of honour persons like Modi a known human rights violator ,Manmohan Singh former prime minster who acted as a stooge of these (RSS forces)and offered an apology for 1984 genocide (which was totally flawed ) again they(hindutva forces) found a so called sikh to do their dirty work. RSS forces for long time have been pushing Bachittar natak which is full of devi worship(Statue worship is prohibited in Sikh religion) and what not as writings of Guru Gobind Singh ji and declare his as worshipper of Durga( I am not telling hindu believers to shun it, they are welcome to do what pleases them but it is against Sikh religion). When millions of sikhs will go pay homage at the gurdwara at Patna they will be knowingly or unknowingly bowing to this bachittar natak which is placed next to Aad Guru Granth Sahib ji, and thus condoning the myths written in Bachittar Natak. As a protector of Sikh religion SGPC has been a total disaster in the past and the way they have organised this function is totally unforgivable.It is humble request to sikh intelligentsia please wake up and start a movement to stop this degradation of our religion before it is too late.