Op/Ed – Bhai Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale Case: ‘Lawlessness Makes Us All Victims’

Whatever your views are about the personal animosity between Bhai Ranjit Singh and Harnam Singh Dhumma, given all the circumstantial evidence, a clear picture is now emerging of the reasons why this attack took place. The key issue now is whether Harnam Singh Dhumma had any knowledge of the attack or whether some of his supporters chose independently to take the law into their own hands. The answer to this question might be revealed once all the alleged attackers have been rounded up and precise questions about how they planned the attack and procured the weapons and vehicles are answered.

Baba Harnaam Singh Dhumma on left and Bhai Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale on right
Baba Harnaam Singh Dhumma on left and Bhai Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale on right

We must work on the assumption that Harnam Singh Dhuma and any of his followers are innocent until proven guilty. – Dr. Gurnam Singh (UK)

Whatever the outcome, it is critical for Sikhs to apply the rule of law, as Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwala has been emphasising. We must work on the assumption that Harnam Singh Dhuma and any of his followers are innocent until proven guilty. The truth should prevail and those guilty should receive an appropriate punishment. If the law is applied fairly, efficiently and impartially, then the Punjab Government has got an excellent opportunity to restore some pride and credibility.

However, if there is a cover-up or the usual stalling tactics are deployed, then I am afraid we could end up in a very serious downward spiral towards anarchy. When people do not get justice through the courts, they either give up or seek their own remedies. When this happens democracy is the ultimate victim.

Punjab is teetering on the edge and as I have noted during my postings over the past year, the truth is that endemic corruption has resulted in unholy alliances between criminal gangs, drugs and land mafia, politicians and so called ‘Sants’. My advise to ordinary Sikhs is to see through this and stay true to the deep tenants of Sikhism which are about serving humanity, confronting oppression and tyranny and fighting for a just society and living a spiritual life to become liberated from the ego.

Dr. Gurnam Singh is an human rights activist, academic and journalist. He has been actively involved in the Sikh liberation struggle for over 30 years. Pioneering presenter of popular political Sikh TV show called Panth Time in which guests engage in topical debate.


  1. You all need to read this and perhaps Dr. Gurnam Singh can educate himself further by reading the article below about the major divider of sikh panth the so called Dhumma who happens to be an american citizen just in case those of you are not aware of this.

    Jag Mohan Singh

    Damdami Taksal is a respectable Sikh seminary that has not only produced Sikh scholars, but also courageous warriors who laid down their lives during the Sikh freedom movement. However, more recently, the Damdami Taksal has been targeted by the Government agencies who have planted infiltrators within the organization.

    As a tool of the RSS, believed to have been put in place by mass-murderer K.P. Gill, �Baba� Harnam Singh Dhumma functions through the ruling Badal Dal and has misused his illegal occupation of Damdami Taksal (Mehta) to control the institution�s following. He now also has full control over the Gurmat Sidhant Parcharak Sant Samaj and is widely accepted as the murderer who has caused significant damage to the Khalsa Panth in recent times. Well-known journalist Surinder Singh was arrested and put behind bars under the pretext of a (fabricated) legal case. This was soon after the same Surinder Singh had gathered masses of factual evidence exposing the links between Baba Dhumma and K.P. Gill which revealed how Indian agencies brought Baba Dhumma from the USA to plant him within the Taksal. Surinder Singh remains in jail for no other justifiable reason.

    ~THE RECENT INTERNATIONAL COMPROMISE BETWEEN BABA DHUMMA AND OTHER FACTIONS OF TAKSAL TO �DIVIDE & CONQUER� VIA REHAT MARYADA. It is now emerging that �middlemen� held secret meetings with different factions of the Taksal including Ajnala India (allegedly via Baljeet Singh Daduwal), Taksal Australia, Tividale/Jagowale UK (via known Sukhbir Badal-sympathizers Raghbir Singh & Paramjeet Dhadi, IPD), Taksal New Zealand and Taksal Toronto to accumulate support that would be used as a cover-up for Dhumma�s atrocities against the Khalsa Panth, including the killing of Bhai Bhupinder Singh and the attempted murder of Ranjit Singh Dhandrian Wale. A sudden debate about Rehat Maryada has been instigated in recent days by the Baba Dhumma faction of Taksal. Closed-door meetings with (previously) anti Dhumma factions passed secret resolutions across the world that they would oppose any party that is anti Dhumma, oppose Sikh preacher Dhandrian Wale, any party in favour of the Panth Parvaan Sikh Rehat Maryada and instead provide full and open support to Baba Dhumma. This agreement would be in exchange for Baba Dhumma to install the Taksal Rehat Maryada at Sree Akaal Takhat Saahib, using his powerful alliance with Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal. It is a well known fact that no act by the Akali Dal and the SGPC is now passed without the full consent of the RSS. Information suggests very soon they will ignite another 100 years of controversy when they interfere with the Akaal Takhat Rehat Maryada. The Akaal Takhat Sikh Rehat Maryada outlines the very minimum requirements for a Sikh and satisfies the beliefs of a huge majority of Sikh institutions in order to maintain unity. Taking this away and replacing it with the Maryada followed by just one institution (Damdami Taksal) will break that unity. This dangerous secret plan enclosed by a pact to support the Government-affiliated Baba Dhumma has explained the unexpected silence of certain Taksal factions and then their unnatural sudden support for Baba Dhumma (e.g. meetings outside of India promoting further violence against Sikh preachers, in Smethwick UK organised by Charan Singh, Satvinder Jagowala, Jaswinder Jassi, Lavshinder Dalewal, Raghbir Singh Walsall, Paramjit Dhadi, International Panthic Dal Rode and a few other Baba Dhumma sympathizers). Further, Jathedaar Amreek Singh Ajnala, now believed to have been boycotted by most, was forced by international Taksal factions to fire up huge controversy with the Akhand Keertani Jathaa and specifically target Ranjit Singh Dhandrian Wale. He used foul language in Maharaaj Jee�s Hazroori and proved himself an unacceptable divisive Sikh leader, unfit for Jathedaari. He was later forced by the Sangat masses to lower his head and apologize. Akhoti Taksal faction leaders (not the real Taksali�s) have sold their conscience to assist mass murderers and brainwashed their genuine followers into thinking their actions are for the betterment of the Panth. This is no time to start the controversy about Rehat Maryada, those trying to change the Maryada at Akaal Takhat are doing so under the guidance of the agencies pushing the �divide & conquer� scheme. A post on a high following Facebook page reads, �…such unethical anti Panthak actions by those claiming to be the patrons of Damdami Taksal are not the �real deal�, Sant Jarnail Singh Jee Bhindranwale would have wasted no time in throwing out the garbage of trouble-making money-hungry akhoti leaders�. Some say it openly, some choose to remain silence, but there is no doubt that all know who is Sarkari, who is not and who is playing dangerous politics to propagate their own agenda. The agencies have damaged great Sikh institutions and broken any unity between age old organisations. In coming days further meetings will come to light and these tools of the RSS will attempt to use the Rehat Maryada issue to break the Panthak unity.

  2. There will be no justice as Harnam Singh resides besides Supported by Badals and does not support Sarbat Khalsa and Sant Ranjit Singh supports Sarbat khalsa.. mostly because of this all this attack happened well planned by Dhumma and Badals.. So there will never be a justice in this case….


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