ਨਿਹਚਲੁ (nihchal)
Meaning: adjective: Immovable, steady.
ਸੋਈ ਨਿਹਚਲੁ ਸਾਚ ਠਾਇ॥
soee nihchal saach ṭhaai.
One whose mind is focused on the true place (state of equipoise, peace) is spiritually steady.
– Guru Arjan Sahib, Guru Granth Sahib, Page 1180
Message: The quest for a state of mental stability has been one of the prime objectives of seekers in all religious traditions. This quest led some to austere penances (self-induced tough physical practices) and others to meaningless rituals. Yet others abandoned their family lives and went into the wilderness in search of such a spiritual abode.
Gurbani enlightens us that only when we acquire the right understanding can we attain a state of spiritual stability. Living a life with a meaningful purpose and being engaged in thoughtful actions causes the mind to stay focussed.
Such a mind is steady and stable at all times despite any storms and dangers that come our way. A mind that concentrates on the right things and acts honestly and wisely is never misled in this stormy ocean of life though the boat it is on may rock several times.
Etymology: From Sanskrit nishchal (motionless) → Pali nicchal (not moving, firm) → Prakrit ṇicchal → Gurbani nihchal.