MP Dharamvira Gandhi Encourages Open Debate on Khalistan; Sarbat Khalsa Was Not Anti-national

Dr. Dharamvir GandhiPATIALA, Punjab—Terming the freedom of expression and speech as the cornerstone of democracy, Member Parliament from Patiala, Dr. Dharamvira Gandhi, has sought open debate on the Khalistan issue. Talking with Sikh24, Dr. Dharamvir Gandhi said that although he was against the ideology of forming religion or ethnicity based state but the open debate on Khalistan was the need of hour as the issue has been prevailing in the state of Punjab from more than three decades.

He added that oppressing an ideology forcefully was not the ultimate solution and open debate on the issue was necessary. He also stated that leveling sedition charges against organizers of ‘Sarbat Khalsa’ was unjust as nothing seems anti-national in the religious gathering held at village Chabba of Amritsar District.

He stated that the talk about the formation of a sovereign Sikh state ‘Khalistan’ seems to be at its peak these days, among the protagonist and antagonist, but the government is trying to push the issue under carpet forcefully which was not fair. He asserted that open debate to deliberate upon pros and cons of Khalistan was necessary among its protagonists and antagonists.

“Although the issue was uncomfortable for anyone believing in the integrity of our country, but suppressing the wishes of a community to maintain national integrity was also prohibited in the Indian constitution,” he added.


  1. RSS can not do any thing it feels like doing .
    The “EMPIRE” wont allow it .
    It has to adjust to new realities of the world.
    Indians till today have never invaded any country .
    The World has a strong defense against all ISIS , Nazis like ideologies.

  2. The RSS is deliberately modelled on the SS of Hitler’s Nazi party because Indians don’t comprehend the full horror of subscribing to where ultra nationalism leads. The Nazi’s called themselves National Socialists, prided themselves as being the so called ‘true patriots of their country, real Germanic peoples who loved the fatherland, true Aryans of pure blood, and who were best placed to decide who was and who was not entitled to see themselves as their fellow countrymen’ – swap out the references to Germany and it is the exact same rhetoric the RSS uses to drum up their politics of hate. In the Nazi instance they decided to persecute the Jews. In the instance of the RSS you have decided to persecute other minorities such as the Muslims and the Sikhs for ‘not being true Indians or not being Indian enough’ with that reactionary claptrap about being ‘anti national’ – the same evil reasoning the SS and Nazis used to discriminate and ultimately try to eliminate ‘anti-nationals’ / ‘undesirables’ from their blessed pure Reich / Bharat. In a democracy one has the right and duty to criticise one’s governance and Sikhs certainly cannot be expected to be subservient as their religious psyche and history of resistance to tyranny amply demonstrates so don’t try to tell us to keep quiet and know our place just to save our lives. Sikhs would rather die on their feet rather than live on their knees as you seem to be intimating we should do.

    The RSS shares not only share the Nazi’s nationalism but also its means of indoctrinating its ideology into the young Indian (revising school text books to rewrite history is a perfect example) with their rallies – hell even their uniforms are modelled on the Hitler Youth. The Nazis only started invading other people’s countries after they had spent a decade brutally persecuting their own people (effectively anybody who didn’t think like them or had the audacity to stand up against their tyranny was disappeared, tortured and put to death – sound familiar when you talk of ‘Punjab is at peace’?). That is why a Sikh cannot be a member of the RSS or keep silent when it persecutes other Indians (whether they be Sikh, Hindu, Muslim or Christian – all are equal in the Sikh’s mind and equally deserving of life, respect, dignity) because Sikhs are taught to be the staunch defenders of both their and others civil and human rights to practise whatever religion they want without fear or favour.

    As for ‘courage’ – a prominent characteristic of Sikhs down through the centuries – being ‘overrated in today’s time’, I tell you it is needed more than ever and the Sikh is the final guarantor of that in India, we will defend the innocent no matter their faith, caste or creed and will honour the ultimate sacrifice Sikhs have made to free the disparate lands and peoples of the subcontinent of India from oppression and tyranny. Because of this India needs the Sikhs far more than the Sikhs need India. Take a good hard look at what the RSS actually stands for (its murder of the father of the nation clearly demonstrates its intolerant supremascist doctrine from the start and where the hell was the RSS anyway in India’s fight for independence?! Sikhs were at the forefront with the formation of the Ghadr party and the NLA as well as avenging the Jallianwalla Bagh massacre and bearing the brunt of the partition) and remember that patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel. Put your faith in God alone for He sees all, knows all and is in every human being including the ones you want to silence with your stick waving spectres of Gill and Brar. Sikhs are a sovereign people and saw off the religious fanaticism of the Mogul and the imperial paternalism of the British and we will not be put under such yokes now even if the likes of the RSS and stooges like the current SGPC think to subjugate us with threats, subversion, corruption and sacrilege.

  3. How is RSS modeled Like Hitler I don’t Know .
    RSS has not gone invading any country .
    It has proud legacy of likes
    Mahabharata and Ramayana .
    So what is wrong with it .

    Just like we Sikhs are proud of “GURU GRANTH SAHIB”

    Being a Sikh does not mean we cannot appreciate and respect other people “FAITH”.
    As for coward it is a over rated value in todays time .

    • The RSS is deliberately modelled on the SS of Hitler’s Nazi party because Indians don’t comprehend the full horror of subscribing to where ultra nationalism leads. The Nazi’s called themselves National Socialists, prided themselves as being the so called ‘true patriots of their country, real Germanic peoples who loved the fatherland, true Aryans of pure blood, and who were best placed to decide who was and who was not entitled to see themselves as their fellow countrymen’ – swap out the references to Germany and it is the exact same rhetoric the RSS uses to drum up their politics of hate. In the Nazi instance they decided to persecute the Jews. In the instance of the RSS you have decided to persecute other minorities such as the Muslims and the Sikhs for ‘not being true Indians or not being Indian enough’ with that reactionary claptrap about being ‘anti national’ – the same evil reasoning the SS and Nazis used to discriminate and ultimately try to eliminate ‘anti-nationals’ / ‘undesirables’ from their blessed pure Reich / Bharat. In a democracy one has the right and duty to criticise one’s governance and Sikhs certainly cannot be expected to be subservient as their religious psyche and history of resistance to tyranny amply demonstrates so don’t try to tell us to keep quiet and know our place just to save our lives. Sikhs would rather die on their feet rather than live on their knees as you seem to be intimating we should do.

      The RSS shares not only share the Nazi’s nationalism but also its means of indoctrinating its ideology into the young Indian (revising school text books to rewrite history is a perfect example) with their rallies – hell even their uniforms are modelled on the Hitler Youth. The Nazis only started invading other people’s countries after they had spent a decade brutally persecuting their own people (effectively anybody who didn’t think like them or had the audacity to stand up against their tyranny was disappeared, tortured and put to death – sound familiar when you talk of ‘Punjab is at peace’?). That is why a Sikh cannot be a member of the RSS or keep silent when it persecutes other Indians (whether they be Sikh, Hindu, Muslim or Christian – all are equal in the Sikh’s mind and equally deserving of life, respect, dignity) because Sikhs are taught to be the staunch defenders of both their and others civil and human rights to practise whatever religion they want without fear or favour.

      As for ‘courage’ – a prominent characteristic of Sikhs down through the centuries – being ‘overrated in today’s time’, I tell you it is needed more than ever and the Sikh is the final guarantor of that in India, we will defend the innocent no matter their faith, caste or creed and will honour the ultimate sacrifice Sikhs have made to free the disparate lands and peoples of the subcontinent of India from oppression and tyranny. Because of this India needs the Sikhs far more than the Sikhs need India. Take a good hard look at what the RSS actually stands for (its murder of the father of the nation clearly demonstrates its intolerant supremascist doctrine from the start and where the hell was the RSS anyway in India’s fight for independence?! Sikhs were at the forefront with the formation of the Ghadr party and the NLA as well as avenging the Jallianwalla Bagh massacre and bearing the brunt of the partition) and remember that patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel. Put your faith in God alone for He sees all, knows all and is in every human being including the ones you want to silence with your stick waving spectres of Gill and Brar. Sikhs are a sovereign people and saw off the religious fanaticism of the Mogul and the imperial paternalism of the British and we will not be put under such yokes now even if the likes of the RSS and stooges like the current SGPC think to subjugate us with threats, subversion, corruption and sacrilege. xxx

    • The RSS is modeled on Hitler’s SS and Hitler Youth organisations – both despised in world history for their fascist ideology and evil practices (most notably the murder of innocent civilians in genocidal pogroms – sound familiar, 1984?). And just as the Sikhs fought against such totalitarianism (against the Mughals, against British Imperialism (the two most prominent shaheeds of Indian Independence are Bhagat Singh and Udham Singh – both Sikhs from the Punjab), against Nazism, against Mussolini’s fascists and Japan’s imperialists we are religiously obliged to stand against oppression from the likes of the RSS and Shiv Sena. I would suggest you read the history books (where you might learn that the Khalsa Raj of Maharajah Ranjit Singh pre-exists the State of India (which was born out of the British East INdia Company’s / Empire amalgamation of annexed independent sovereign states on the subcontinent of India (which was largely a geographical term as even the Mughals had not secured complete control of it to create a Mughal state) but the problem with the history books the RSS is handing out to kids in India is they are whitewashed and altered from historical truth (do you remember that RSS member and super Indian nationalist Nathuram Vinayak Godse murdered the ‘father’ of the nation Mahatma Gandhi?
      So to sum up as you obviously need basic language to make you understand Sikhs have already had a separate Sovereign Sikh state (so no need to ‘dream’ of one), Sikhs have contributed to the creation of India by the spilling of their blood and the division of their lands far more than any other indigenous population of the Indian subcontinent and Sikhs are obliged by their religious beliefs (which sets them apart from both the Muslim and Hindu) to vigorously oppose the evil such as the RSS. Guru Gobind Singh made us Sikhs Singhs and demonstrated through his sacrifices and those of his four sons that Sikhs should never be afraid of the likes of your ‘specters’ (the word is spectre actually so another example of your ignorance) Gill, Brar et al – they are jackals, we are lions, despite all the Sikh blood on their hands we still are unbowed. If you want to save India then remember and honour the promises given to Sikhs at Independence – we are patriots but we will never be subservient to the ideology of the RSS and Hindu extremist nationalism because we are Sikhs and will stand up to defend our rights and the rights of other religions (including Hinduism if you dare to remember the supreme sacrifice made on the behalf of Kashmiri Hindus by Guru Tegh Bahadur). So ‘Harinder’ if you are a proud RSS agent give your true name – the fact that you troll under a Sikh sounding name shows everyone on this website you are at heart also a coward, another reason why Sikhs find the RSS so objectionable and this inherent fear that you have is why you misguidedly think we would be intimidated into silence. We are not like you RSS stooge; we are the Sikhs that the Mughals feared, the British feared, the fascists feared, the Pakistanis feared and we will never been stopped from roaring our defiance at evil.

  4. Sarbat Khalsa – Sarbat da Bhalla. However, that does not mean that the Sikhs have to be harassed, assaulted, demeaned, controlled, abused, and every thing else negative. The Principles of Sarbat Khalsa are the Sikhi principles. When there is constant bullying, and power hungry people who do not care a damn for the Sikhs nor for the sacred Sri Guru Granth Sahib, or the sacrifices of our Sikh gurus – there is ONLY ONE OPTION, our own independent state – that follows the principles of Sarbat Khalsa. Sarbat Khalsa does not recklessly discriminate nor inflict abuse. Our guruji’s principles are the same principles of Sarbat Khalsa. The power hungry or the bullies are afraid to see peace and harmony.

    • There is full peace in Punjab.
      Any one trying to break the country or causing a disturbance in Punjab or India will be dealt as per the law of the land.
      My advise is just chill and stop being victim of all propoganda that is fed to you.
      Go home and educate your children and ensure there well being for a better future.

  5. Harinder is an illegitimate son of Badal who so eagerly longs to receive his father’s love by opposing Sikhs’ rights of freedom of speech and religion. Sikhs are Sikhs to the core. Governments, maps and boundaries change over time so no need to be faithful to any single government.

    And your threats won’t work Harinder “Badal”. Sikhs are not scared.

  6. @Harinder. You comment shows that you have zero knowledge and you brain has nothing but full of garbage. Stop treating us as second class citizens and we don’t have to dream of an Independent home land.

  7. Don’t you Know name of Sikhs Gurus

    Guru Ram Das
    Guru Angad Dev
    Guru HarGovind
    Guru Gobind

    So stop Dreaming of a Independent home land or else we will call the Specter of

    KPS Gill -2
    KS Brar -2
    JKF Ribero

  8. Sikhs are Indians to the core .
    All meet on a independent land is a figment of Imagination of a Schizophrenic who is hallucinating.

    India is the Land of Maha Bharat , Ramayana and Guru Granth Sahib .


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