SGPC Cancels Bhai Pinderpal Singh’s Katha Program


:dateline:Bhai Pinderpal Singh’s katha diwans have been cut short by the SGPC. �He was scheduled to do katha at Manji Sahib Diwan Hall at Sri Darbar Sahib, however due to his involvement in protests in Guru Granth Sahib Ji’s sacrilege cases, the SGPC has cancelled his allotted diwans.

SGPC President Avtar Makkar told Bhai Sahib that he has orders from “seniors” who do not want him�to do katha.

“I am okay if my katha time has been cancelled, I am willing to wash sangat’s utensils or do some other seva,” said Bhai Pinderpal Singh as he announced to the sangat that his katha diwans have been cancelled.


  1. Makkar you are a disgrace to the sikh path, You should just resign. JUST RESIGN !!!!!!!!!!! No one has any respect for you, Bhai PInderpal is a diamond of this panthm we found him aftrer MAskeen Ji’s loss. Jago Jago, kithe gai tuhadi man maryada?

  2. Makkar and his so called seniors are absolute disgrace – Bhai Pinderpal Singh Ji will always have a great respect of the Sangat and will always live in our hearts. We cannot wait for him to come to UK again.


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