#DespiteBeingAWoman: You Won’t Believe What Narendra Modi Said About Bangladeshi Prime Minister

Video: Full Footage of Narendra Modi’s First Visit to Sri Harmandir SahibNEW DELHI—Hashtag #DespiteBeingAWoman is buzzing on Twitter and bringing much criticism to a recent speech by Narendra Modi.  

Women in general have expressed outrage after Narendra Modi expressed that “despite being a woman”, Bangladeshi Prime Minister has declared zero tolerance for terrorism.

“I am happy that Bangladesh Prime Minister, despite being a woman, has declared zero tolerance for terrorism,” said Narendera Modi in a speech this past Sunday at Dhaka University in Bangladesh.

After the hashtag gained ground on Twitter, a number of Indian media channels tried to explain that Modi’s comment was misunderstood.


  1. Mr. Modi has no respect for women.

    There was no need to mention “despite being a woman”. Does he really think the head of a country, regardless of their gender, would tolerate terrorism?

    Perhaps if Mr. Modi didn’t abandon his wife shortly after getting married just to pursue his political career, he would understand women better.

    He is a very self-centered, self-absorbed man.

  2. he was trying to say that the Bangladesh prime minister has shown that women can also combat terrorism which is normally done by men


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