SGPC To Start Printing Press in British Columbia, Canada

:dateline:The Shriomani Gurdwara Pharbandhak Committee (SGPC) will soon start the printing process of the holy Sikh Guru, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji’s saroops in the British Columbia region.

The president of the SGPC, Avtar Makkar, sanctioned that due to the vast demands of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji saroops, the SGPC has unanimously decided to start a printing process BC, Canada,�in the near future and that they would provide whatever needed to make this happen.

It can be recalled that the SGPC had imposed a blanket ban for publishing the holy scripture in Punjab by any any private publisher.

Only SGPC has the sole right to print saroops�in Punjab, and they have their own modern ultra press in the Amritsar region. �A similar initiative is also under way in Yuba City, California, where the SGPC is setting up another printing press.

Recently, there was an uproar within members of BC Sikh Sangat who had opposed transport of saroops to Canada via a bus loaded on a ship.


  1. Vahiguroo kirpa Jio,
    With Sikh Gem Gurmukhs like Bhai Harinder Singh Jio of NKJ dishonored so much in his efforts to help troublemaker evil pretending to be interested in Sikhi, I am concerned how Gurbani will be dishonored ji?


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